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Group: For Academics

Fostering Community Building through Blended Intensive Programme at Universität Innsbruck

Foster community building: This was the overarching theme of the first Aurora BIP Staff Week, which took place at Universität Innsbruck from October 2-6, 2023. Participants from almost all Aurora partners – coming from both academia and administration – exchanged manifold ideas with colleagues from Universität Innsbruck to develop new activities and projects.

With more than 50 members of staff, the first Aurora Staff Week at Universität Innsbruck was a great success. In different formats and settings, the main topics of Transformative Education, Innovation Management, Societal Engagement, and Internationalization were explored in depth over several days. Best practices from Universität Innsbruck and the Aurora partner universities served as the basis for the exchange, stimulating a mutual dialogue in the sense of peer learning and opening space for creativity and new ideas.

“Personal encounters are incredibly important for a network like Aurora to be filled with life,” emphasises Rector Veronika Sexl, who is responsible for international affairs at Universität Innsbruck. “I am very pleased that so many colleagues, both in-house and from the Aurora partner universities, have actively taken up the invitation to exchange ideas and that new projects are already in the pipeline.” The “matchmaking sessions” were particularly fruitful, where concrete new activities, such as the development of joint courses, could be discussed in individual smaller settings.

First Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) hosted by Universität Innsbruck

The Aurora Staff Week, which was funded and organised as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), took place in Innsbruck after a virtual exchange of participants in September. For the first time, the Universität Innsbruck served as a hosting institution for the event. The Aurora Staff Week will conclude with a virtual follow-up meeting at the end of October.

BIPs are teaching/learning formats jointly run by several universities and combine virtual components with physical short-term mobility (“blended”). BIPs are a new mobility format embedded in the Erasmus program, implemented as part of the Erasmus program generation 2021-2027. Within Aurora, the general goal is to develop more joint BIPs between Aurora partners in the coming years. These can be used for training as well as teaching purposes.

Aurora signs Joint Statements on the updated NIH Policy Guidance for Subaward

Over 85 universities and research-performing organisations, including the Aurora Universities Network (and of its member universities, University of Duisburg-Essen, University Federico II Napoli, University of Iceland, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) signed a joint statement coordinated by KU Leuven on the updated NIH Policy Guidance for Subaward/Consortium that will become active for grants starting as of 1 October 2023.

According to the new policy guidance, such awardees must provide copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation supporting the research outcomes described in the progress report at least every six months. For EU awardees, this implies legal obstacles (Personal Data Protection Regulations, Clinical Trial Regulations), IPR constraints, issues with using the transferred data by the Pass-Through Entity, increased costs and administrative burden, and a hampered continuation of ongoing grants.

In this statement, the signatories ask the NIH to reconsider implementing these requirements.

For more information, please read this statement

Digital Nomads Workshop Sparks Collaborative Action

In June 2022, a workshop focused on the growing phenomenon of Digital Nomads within the digital workforce was organised. This collaborative effort between Aurora Universities and the Network Institute at VU Amsterdam served as a forum for European Commission policymakers and early career researchers to discuss how society, employers, and employees can adapt to this new way of working.

The workshop highlighted four key objectives: firstly, to identify the necessary actions from policy-makers and scientists; secondly, to foster connections between researchers and European Commission policy-makers; thirdly, to catalyse research collaborations; and finally, to generate a publicly accessible written report encapsulating the discussions and findings.

The comprehensive white paper titled “Digital Nomads: Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Work in the Post-Covid Society” emerged as the tangible outcome. This document will inform policy and strategy-making efforts, potentially influencing regulations and Research & Innovation (R&I) calls. It has been shared with policy officers in DG Employment and DG RTD for input and consideration and is scheduled for publication in a semi-scientific journal.

The lessons learnt from this whitepaper underscore the value of engaging early career researchers in EU policymaking related to R&I, given the tangible results that can be derived. However, executing such workshops requires a long-term commitment from organisers and participants alike. While the discussion topic needs to resonate with policymakers to ensure early engagement from the European Commission, the autonomy to choose the topic should lie with the organisers, upholding the principle of academic freedom.

To ensure the participation of early career researchers, a limited travel budget is crucial. In this case, the Network Institute commendably provided about 300 euros per person upon request, facilitating their attendance. This act of generosity highlights the importance of funding in enabling such workshops. As such, a heartfelt appreciation goes out to the Network Institute for their invaluable support and sustained enthusiasm, as well as to all the participants who played a pivotal role in the workshop’s success.

Aurora in Action: Science with Society Festival at VU Amsterdam

In June 2023, the AURORA in ACTION: Science with Society Festival brought together a diverse group of individuals, including teachers, staff, and students from multiple universities, to address pressing issues related to sustainable development goals. Through collaborative ideation and co-creation, participants discussed solutions for energy transition, food systems transformation, mental strength, and positive psychology.

The festival was held in the bustling city of Amsterdam, specifically at the Public Library, where the first day was dedicated to the students of the Aurorized course – Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (ICSL). The students were enthusiastic about showcasing their research and engaging in discussions with renowned scientists, experts, and societal stakeholders (residents, community partners, organizations, and policymakers). Attendees were also free to explore the Inspiration Market, where students, welfare organizations, and neighbouring initiatives showcased their work while seeking to gain and share knowledge.

The day was filled with productive discussions and insightful presentations, culminating in a plenary session highlighting universities’ critical role in society. “It was truly refreshing to witness many individuals committed to positively impacting and addressing societal issues. It was a true testament to the power of co-creation and the potential for positive change,” remarked Marjolein Zweekhorst of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The festival’s second day took place at the VU campus, and it was just as exhilarating as the first. A reflection and co-creation session was held among colleagues, wherein universities’ role in societal engagement and impact was the primary focus. Participants engaged in meaningful discussions, sharing ideas and priorities to enhance societal engagement approaches, including service learning and co-creation, in educational practices across Aurora. Overall, it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn from one another and work towards creating a better and more just society.

The AURORA in ACTION: Science with Society Festival brought innovative ideas and solutions to the forefront. The event served as a platform for AURORA universities to come together and demonstrate their commitment to societal engagement and impact. It aimed to foster an inclusive environment where societal stakeholders (residents, community partners, organizations, and policymakers) and Aurora teachers and students (from VUA, URV, UDE, and UPOL) could collaborate to co-create solutions that would benefit everyone.

Professor Florian Freitag receives 2023 UDE Teaching Award

A highly contagious passion for his topics, high-quality lecture slides which engage students, clearly formulated learning outcomes, and topicality with respect to content are just a few reasons why the University of Duisburg Essen (UDE) student council nominated American Studies professor Florian Freitag for the 2023 UDE Teaching Award. The award was presented to him at the Dies Academicus in May.

UDE students praised Freitag‘s interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to teaching, which included collaborations with fellow students from the Aurora University partner Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Catalonia via the COIL (Cooperative Online International Learning) format.

“The nomination itself was a special honour since it came from the ranks of the students,” says Freitag, who has been teaching at the UDE since 2019. “And when not only ‘my’ students, but also my colleague Prof. Dr Barbara Buchenau spoke a few words during the laudatory speech, I was ready to cry. The award motivates me to continue to develop new tools and formats within Aurora.”

Along with this prestigious honour comes an award of 10,000 Euros. Freitag plans to establish a social fund to enable Master’s students in Anglophone Studies with a specialization in American Studies to take part in excursions to North America. In collaboration with colleagues from the University of Innsbruck in Austria, Freitag is also developing a “Survey of Canadian Literature” with instructional videos involving North American colleagues.

“Challenges in Europe” student conference in Amsterdam

From June 7-9, 2023, the Aurora Pilot Domain “Culture: Identities and Diversities” collaborated with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to host the inaugural “Challenges in Europe” student conference in Amsterdam. The Student Conference marked the culmination of the hybrid course, which is an integral component of the Understanding Europe module.

Since April, students from various Aurora universities participated in the online course, forming four distinct groups. Each group, led by a professor from an Aurora member university, concentrated on a specific challenge in Europe” connected to a particular Sustainable Development Goal:

  • “Religious Heritage: Claims and Contestations” (taught by Irene Stengs, VU);
  • “Place Attachment in Mobile Europe” (Ólafur Rastrick and Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, UIce);
  • “Sustainable Tourism” (Florian Freitag, UDE); and
  • “Sustainable Language Education and Critical Pedagogy” (Marián Arribas-Tomé, UEA; Ulrike Jessner-Schmid, UIBK; and Spyros Themelis, UEA).

Throughout the online phase, students designed research projects centred on these themes, with topics ranging from “Community-based Tourism in Tyrol” and “The Future of Summit Crosses” to “Place Attachment in Boarding Schools” and “How Can We Teach about Colonisation?” The conference served as a platform for participants to present and engage in discussions about their research with fellow students and instructors from six Aurora universities, spanning various disciplines and countries. Moreover, students had the opportunity to discover the picturesque city of Amsterdam and the state-of-the-art facilities at VU Amsterdam.

Students particularly enjoyed meeting and discussing with their peers during the conference: “I found the conference in Amsterdam absolutely perfect. It was brilliantly devised,” one student wrote in her class evaluation. Co-organizer Florian Freitag thought the conference was an extremely rewarding experience: “Witnessing the enthusiasm and dedication of the students in attendance, their eagerness to learn, ask insightful questions, and contribute their perspectives was genuinely inspiring.” His colleague and co-organizer Guðmundur Hálfdanarson agrees: “The student conference was an extraordinary event that enriched the students’ academic experience and fueled my passion for teaching and research in my field. I am confident that the knowledge on place attachment in Europe and connections gained during the conference will have a lasting impact on the student’s academic and professional trajectories, and I wholeheartedly recommend this event to my fellow educators and students alike.”

The Understanding Europe initiative will continue in Fall 2023 with “Perspectives on Europe in a Global Context.” The “Challenges in Europe” course will return in the Summer of 2024.

Advancing Research Management in European Universities Alliances: Insights from the Aurora Universities Network

The recent workshop organised by the CIVICA European Universities Alliance brought together various European Universities Alliances and associations, including TORCH, EUt+, 4EU+, UNA Europa, Unite!, FIT FORTHEM, SEA-EU, ECIU, and the Aurora Universities Network, to explore research management practices within European Alliances. With a focus on understanding the development, implementation, and challenges encountered in research management at the alliance level, the workshop aimed to provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

The workshop took place in the context of ERA Action 17, a European Research Area policy action co-led by the Aurora Universities Network, which aims to strengthen the research support capacity in public research organisations. Some of the key findings of the workshop include:
Collaborative research support offices have proven to be highly beneficial for some alliances, as they offer valuable services such as training for research management, support staff, and early career researchers. Additionally, they provide an interoperable digital platform with local databases, primarily focusing on publications. While not all alliances have been able to establish joint research support offices, they are actively working on strengthening their research support activities and collaborations.

Most alliances have made a concerted effort to engage the broader research community of research support and management administrators (RSMA), including grants advice, knowledge transfer, open science, data stewardship, science communication, and research policy advice. However, there are still obstacles to overcome in the pursuit of a common research agenda. These challenges include late engagement of research support and management staff in proposal writing, different types of organisations involved in research support, varying resource allocations, and a lack of incentives for participation.

To address these challenges and improve the research support landscape, several recommendations can be made:

  • Early engagement of researchers, particularly early career researchers, should be emphasized in research management activities.
  • Co-creation principles should be adopted when developing research management activities to foster collaboration and inclusivity.
  • High-level university management should limit their involvement in the operational details of development and implementation, allowing research support professionals to take the lead.
  • Incentives, dedicated time, and adequate resources should be provided for researchers to participate in research support and management activities within alliances.
  • Awareness at all levels within universities about the roles and functions of research managers and research support and administration officers should be enhanced.

By implementing these recommendations, alliances can work together to create a more efficient and effective research support environment, ultimately benefiting the entire research community.

Vision for the Future
The workshop concluded with an inspiring vision for the future of research support and management activities in alliances. Pim de Boer, the EU Liaison representative from the Aurora Universities Network, shared an encompassing presentation that addressed many of the discussed aspects, highlighting the collective goals and aspirations of the participating alliances.

By fostering collaboration, early engagement, and effective resource allocation, European Universities Alliances have the potential to test and enhance research management practices and drive meaningful advancements in research support within the European higher education landscape.

Meet Markéta Šemberová, Education Coordinator at Palacký University Olomouc

Markéta Šemberová shared her background, her passion for education and intercultural competences, and her journey studying philology in the Netherlands as a master’s student to obtaining her PhD, which focuses on strengthening intercultural competences in university teachers. She also expanded on her role and responsibilities as Education Coordinator, highlighting her work in supporting education-related activities at Palacký University Olomouc and collaboration with partner universities. Read on for the full interview.

Could you tell us something about yourself?

Markéta: My name is Markéta Šemberová. In January 2023, I started my new role as Aurora Education Coordinator at Palacký University Olomouc. My interest in education, intercultural competencies, and didactics began during my master’s studies in Dutch philology, where I completed a two-year add-on course in education. From there onwards, I pursued postgraduate studies in education and even completed my PhD thesis on developing a model of intercultural competencies for university teachers in the Czech Republic. Before joining the Aurora team, I was a project manager for lifelong learning infrastructure at Palacký University Olomouc. I also continue working as a multicultural and intercultural lecturer, teach preparatory courses for obtaining a language certificate in Dutch, and supervise bachelor and master thesis students.

Could you share something about your role as Education Coordinator?

M: As Education Coordinator, my main task is to support any education-related activities at Palacký University. Therefore, I mainly support the Vice-Rector for Education, local WP3 members, and the Aurorisation processes at Palacký University. In collaboration with our Centre for Excellence in Teaching, I help to prepare, plan and organise courses for academics and staff on developing their competences, such as LOUIS and BEVI training. Together with our Mobility Coordinator, we work on the methodologies of our internal processes for ECTS recognition and accreditation procedures connected to Aurora. I also support joint activities and project proposals between Palacký University Olomouc and our partner universities and engage in internal communications at the university by disseminating Aurora opportunities to staff and students.

There are many developments in the field of Aurora Education Development and Coordination. Could you share some of them?

M: Thanks to my talks with the Educational Developer at the Aurora Central Office in Amsterdam, it was possible to connect with educational developers from other institutions. We established a temporary support group that connects people who work with education at their institution. Recently, we have discussed the quality of the courses offered within the Aurora course catalogue, accreditation processes and obstacles with ECTS recognition. This group is a preparatory group for a future work package 2.5, and we will be more than happy to welcome anyone interested in joining our conversations.

Could you tell us a bit more about the increased role of education developers in the following Aurora proposal?

M: Each institution seems to struggle with different aspects internally, which is logical thanks to different legislation in each country. What could be a problem for Palacký University Olomouc does not necessarily have to be an issue for another partner university. Creating a work package that connects all the educational developers in the next phase enables us to get inspired in solving obstacles, removing barriers, and supporting the full potential of activities that Aurora offers. In the next phase, I look forward to testing out new things and progress that happen at Aurora or Palacký University Olomouc internally. For example, UP is currently developing an infrastructure for micro-credential use, and I cannot wait to support them in this next phase.

Are there any other topics you are currently working on?

M: With Kees Kouwenaar retiring in autumn 2023 and LOUIS being transitioned to Vice-Dean Maxim Tomoszek, I supported this transition and LOUIS at UP. The most recent update is, for example, our plan to organise a series of workshops on LOUIS in autumn 2023 that will be a joint initiative between UP and UDE.

Aurora Networking: Universität Innsbruck and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II successful joint meeting

From March 28th to March 30th, 2023, the Aurora facilitated a meeting of quantum physicists from the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) and Universität Innsbruck (UIBK). The purpose of this gathering was to share insights into their respective research fields, explore synergies, and establish the foundation for future collaborative projects.

The three-day event, hosted by UIBK, began with a warm welcome from Professor Francesca Ferlaino, an alumnus of UNINA. Vice Rector for Research and fellow physicist Gregor Weihs also extended his greetings to the delegation on behalf of UIBK.  Thomas Baumgartner and his Aurora Alliance Office team in Innsbruck introduced the structure and focus of the Aurora Alliance, highlighting successful cooperation initiatives, including joint courses, micro-credentials, and staff mobility opportunities. This set the framework that guided the researchers in their discussions and brainstorms over the following days.

Day two of the event featured in-depth discourse on each delegation’s research fields, laboratory visits at UIBK, and lively debate on potential joint projects. These exchanges allowed the participants to better understand each other’s expertise and identify areas of mutual interest.

During the last day, in the pleasant and stimulating environment of the Claudiana, a hall that links Italy and Austria with its history, the participants enthusiastically discussed short- and long-term goals. These, thanks to the participation of Alessandro Arienzo and Dejan Lukovic from the Aurora offices in Naples and Innsbruck respectively, were immediately considered in terms of feasibility.

With the groundwork laid for collaboration, the first joint initiative is slated to commence this summer. This promising partnership between UNINA and UIBK is poised to foster impactful advancements in the field of quantum physics, benefiting both institutions and the scientific community at large.



Aurora thanks former Vice-Chancellor of UEA, Professor David Richardson

The Aurora community would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to one of the founding fathers of the Aurora Network, Professor David Richardson. Professor Richardson has been a pillar of the Aurora community and has played a vital role in the development of the Aurora Universities Network since its creation in 2016. Although he stepped down two weeks ago as Vice-Chancellor of the University of East Anglia, and therefore no longer represents his institution as a Board member of Aurora, his legacy and impact on Aurora remains strong beyond his tenure.

Professor Richardson has an impressive Aurora record of service. The University of East Anglia (UEA), under Professor Richardson’s leadership, was one of the founding institutional members of the network. He was also the Chair of the Aurora Board for four years from 2016-2020, and was recently re-elected again in 2022, serving as Board Treasurer. His belief in the added value of Aurora never wavered, including during the challenging period leading up to Brexit and the resulting changes this meant for higher education in the UK in the area of international cooperation and mobility. Despite these challenges, UEA remains committed  to the Aurora Alliance as an Associate Partner in the new funding bid for the Erasmus+ European Universities Initiative.

“It has been a pleasure to work with David Richardson ever since we first started discussing establishing a new university network in 2016,” Aurora President Jón Atli Benediktsson states. “The Aurora Network thrived under his leadership and dedication. David was a strong supporter of Aurora expanding and applying to become one of the European University Alliances as he recognized the tremendous opportunities this would provide for our students, staff, and wider community.

David is a great friend and working with him has been a privilege. We very much appreciate his contribution to Aurora.”

Mirjam van Praag, President of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, said:

“As one of the founding fathers of Aurora, David is a long-time and dear friend to us. He excelled in keeping us all on track, from the start of the Network through the phase of forming the Alliance. With him on board, the road ahead was suddenly clear for everyone, redirecting us to more productive alleys whenever we went astray, looking at issues from a new angle, and all of that he seemed to do effortlessly.”

As the Aurora community, comprised of ten research-intensive universities, continues to strengthen our international cooperative partnership, we will carry forward Professor Richardson’s legacy through our continued commitment to academic and research collaboration, innovation in teaching and learning, positive student development and transformation.