Aurora Doctoral Pool

Reviewer, counterspeaker, committee member wanted for a doctoral thesis?
Gain international experience in doctoral education and establish contacts with reseachers from AURORA partner institutions for further collaborations!
If you are a doctoral student in need of support by an international researcher for any process during the doctoral training, make use of the database search here:
Are you an AURORA researcher who can supervise doctoral candidates? Then sign up and become part of the pool. Your expertise is welcome and will certainly be recognised. The registration is easily done and just takes few minutes. Sign up here:
Supporting early career researchers and their supervisors is an important concern of the AURORA partner universities. Although doctoral training is organised differently in each partner country, there are also some common arrangements. Especially at the end of the doctoral phase, the differences can become crucial. However the doctoral committee and the final process are organised, the support of international researchers is often necessary. They can act as reviewers of the dissertation, be members of the committee or participate in the dress rehearsal, e.g. as counter-speakers. Finding suitable researchers is often not easy. Therefore, researchers who are willing to support their AURORA colleagues have registered in a pool of potential members of doctoral committees, a searchable database with basic information on the research focus of the respective researcher.