Joint educational program for BA students

“Understanding Europe” is a joint educational program (30 ECTS) offered by the Aurora European Universities Alliance and open to BA students of all disciplinary backgrounds. Students have the unique opportunity to get a multidisciplinary introduction to Europe – its history, politics, societies, arts, and popular culture.
The program consists of two core courses (5 ECTS each, in English) and an area of specialization (20 ECTS) in which students can choose from a number of courses which have been selected for the program by participating universities. There is also a possibility to receive credits for internships and spending a semester abroad.
Students gain a comparative perspective in their university experience and have access to various forms of mobility. Students will also benefit from the innovative teaching methods developed within Aurora and the special attention paid to the Sustainable Development Goals. Students are awarded a certificate from the Aurora European Universities Alliance after successfully completing the courses.
For further information, please contact: florian.freitag@uni-due.de
Perspectives on Europe in a Global Context
Core course 1
ECTS credits: 5
Period: weekly, from 15 October 2024 to 10 December 2024
Mode of repetition: annually
In this course, we address trans-European cooperation and integration by studying media, film, literature, popular culture, arts and EU law from a historical and contemporary perspective. You will learn about the formation of identities and cultures, politics of migration, mobility and security, war and conflict in Europe. The course will cover:
- History of Europe and the European Union: Political, Philosophical, Legal, Social and Cultural Dimensions
- Processes of Europeanization and Integration: Strategies and Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion and Identity Formation
- Migration and Mobility
- Imagined Others and Memory Cultures
- Narratives of Europe in Film, Literature and Art
We will also have a guest lecture and discussion with Oliver Geden (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on the topic of EU climate politics.
Teaching methods
Online lectures and exercises include analysis of documents, visual sources and graphs; group discussions in breakout rooms and flipped classrooms; and preparatory reading.
Class assessment
Multiple choice test on 10 December 2024.
Challenges in Europe
Core course 2
ECTS credits: 5
Period: weekly, April-June 2024
Mode of repetition: annually
Are you ready to meet the sustainability challenges that Europe will face in the 21st century? In „Challenges in Europe,” students select from a range of topics, each of them linked to a specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), to examine case studies with 3-4 fellow students and to develop their own research project under the supervision of an instructor. Students and instructors will then meet up physically for a conference in Amsterdam in June 2024 to present their ideas for a more sustainable Europe.
Important dates
First meeting: TBA
First topic group meeting: TBA
Student conference: TBA
Registration and Questions
Participation is limited to 20 students.
Registration deadline: TBA
To register and if you have any questions, please get in touch with Florian Freitag

Religious Heritage: Claims and Contestations
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Instructor: Irene Stengs
In this course, we seek to understand the processes that make religious heritage a growing political and cultural presence in Europe.
Across the continent, processes of de-churching and secularisation go hand in glove with the growing importance attributed to religious heritage. Redundant religious buildings, sites or objects deserve a second life as ‘heritage.’ Similarly, religious festivals or rituals may be preserved as part of people’s cultural identity, worthy of being transferred to future generations. Interestingly, also societies where religion is still part and parcel of everyday life, religious communities or political elites may strive for a heritage status of their site of religious worship or religious ceremony.
Processes of heritagization of religion are multi-layered and never without contestations. Some may morally object against what they consider profanation through festivalization and commercialisation and see a decline of authenticity. For others, heritagization of religion entails emancipation, enabling religious minorities to claim recognition and protection by being acknowledged as heritage.
Sustainable Brands
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Instructor: Milena Micevski
Corporate conduct significantly influences how consumers perceive brands. One prominent aspect of corporate behaviour today revolves around corporate responsibility (CR), which encompasses a company’s or brand’s dedication to enhancing long-term economic, societal, and environmental well-being through its business practices, policies, and resources. As society increasingly holds enterprises accountable for their impact, there’s a shift from prioritising shareholder wealth to achieving a balance between profitability and social responsibility. CR initiatives often target enhancing social aspects such as health, welfare, and social justice, as well as environmental preservation efforts. CR initiatives can generate positive consumer beliefs, attitudes, and intentions toward the company or its brands.
Consequently, many brands are actively striving to showcase their commitment to environmental and/or social causes. This course provides an overview of corporate responsibility (CR) and its impact on brand
perceptions. In their research project, students will explore the concept of CR, its importance in today’s business landscape, and how it influences consumer perceptions of brands.
Sustainable Tourism
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Instructor: Florian Freitag
Following a general introduction to tourism, this class will use the unlikely example of theme parks to introduce key areas and practices of sustainable tourism, from resource and climate efficiency through digitization and innovation to the safety, health, and general wellbeing of employees through safety and diversity initiatives and relationships with (local) communities through special programs e.g. for children. Moreover, sustainability will be discussed as an economic strategy whose relevance for both theme park-investor relationships (the attraction of financial investments) and theme park-customer relationships (the “public image” of the company) has been steadily on the rise. Finally, students will develop their own research project on sustainability in an area of tourism of their choice.
Gender Equality and Religion
SDG 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls
Instructor: Sigríður GuðmarsdóttirReligion plays an ambiguous role in gender equality. Statistically, women are often more religious than men, and they have sought support and empowerment to their various faith communities. On the other hand, religion is deeply embedded into social norms and cultural expressions, which in many cases have a severe, negative impact on the lives of women and girls.
In this track, some of these positive and negative repercussions of religiosity on gender will be explored to better understand the relationship between gender and religion, as well as take active responsibility for empowering women and girls.
Area of Specialization
Each participating university will identify a number of elective courses from which you can choose from to complete the 30 ECTS credit program. Thematically, these courses will address important issues for understanding Europe as an analytical rather than geographic category, including the history of institutions past and present, processes of nation building, migration and mobility, narratives of Europe in art, literature, media and popular culture, or they focus on theoretical perspectives like decolonizing Europe, Othering, centre and periphery, etc. Their methodological range will be broad and can include interpretative-qualitative (fieldwork, text and media analysis, etc.) and quantitative approaches. Finally, all the courses will meet some or all of Aurora’s teaching methods described above, and thus contributing to Aurora’s ambition of promoting borderless learning in Europe.
- Silke Meyer, Dirk Rupnow: VO European memory politics and commemorative culture in comparative perspective (UIBK, Contemporary History and European Ethnology, LV 800862, 5 ECTS, English, online)
- Andreas Maurer: VO Europäische Integration – Einführung (UIBK, Political Sciences, LV 402040, 5 ECTS, German, on site)
- Bernhard Steinbrecher: SE Popularmusik: Mainstream (UIBK, Musicology, LV 619022, 5 ECTS, German, on site)
- Philipp Zitzlsperger: VO Hochrenaissance und Manierismus (UIBK, Art History, LV 619101, 5 ECTS, German, on site)
- Philipp Zitzlsperger: SE Manierismus und Reformation (UIBK, Art History, LV 618013, 5 ECTS, German, on site)