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How is Covid-19 affecting our most vulnerable and their caregivers?

The true impact of Covid-19 on some of society’s most vulnerable people and their caregivers were explored through an international survey from researchers at the University of Aberdeen.

In collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast, the project hopes to provide rapid feedback to the NHS and charitable organisations about the current needs expressed by patients with cancer, precancerous conditions and rare diseases and those who help to care for them.

It is understood that caregivers and patients are experiencing a major impact of Covid-19 on their lives with health services forced to change in order to ensure the safety of patients.

The survey will assess the impact that these and other changes due to the coronavirus pandemic have had on caregivers and patients.

Working with healthcare providers, patients and researchers it is hoped that the immediate, medium and long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic on caregivers and patients with cancer, pre-cancerous conditions and rare disease can be identified.

The information obtained will be shared with doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers and charitable organisations to identify the best ways to support patients during this time.

Read more here:

Aurora Position Paper on EEA and ERA

The Aurora Universities Network has published its position paper on the future development of the European Education Area (EEA) which it sees linked to the European Research Area (ERA).

Aurora consists of nine research-intensive universities in Europe with a common commitment to matching academic excellence with societal relevance.

Based on our understanding of the aims of both EEA and ERA and our vision on the role of the whole Higher Education & Research sector, this position paper expresses Aurora’s view on the contribution of societally-engaged and research-intensive universities to education and research as pillars of Europe’s prosperity and resilience.

Our position paper is drafted as an outside-in document, articulating how autonomous and vigorous HE&I institutions can contribute to the society they serve.

The well-being of Icelanders during the COVID-19 pandemic

Scientists at the University of Iceland, in collaboration with the Directorate of Health and the Chief Epidemiologist, have initiated a study called the COVID-19 National Resilience Cohort.

The aim of the study is to gather as much data as possible on the impact of the pandemic on the health and well-being of people in Iceland, in order to inform future responses to the impact of a societal shock such as a pandemic. All individuals aged 18 and over who have electronic ID are invited to take part in the study at The University of Iceland is a member of the Aurora University Network. The study is sponsored by a presidential couple of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Eliza Reid.

It is safe to say that COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges to ever face nations across the world, having a major impact on economies and public health. Iceland has not escaped these hardships rather than other countries in the world. Scientists, therefore, believe it is important to get as clear a picture as possible of the effects of the pandemic on the Icelandic nation.

They plan to investigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on stress-related symptoms, psychological health and lifestyles among people in Iceland, but also to explore whether a history of a disease or other risk factors or potential or confirmed COVID-19 infection, are linked to poorer well-being and lower quality of life. It is important to map which factors have supported good health and well-being in individuals and families during these uncertain times. The research team also hopes to shed light on whether strong stress responses during the COVID-19 pandemic have a wider impact on long-term health. All this knowledge will be important to the authorities and can be used to better organise healthcare services and civil protection during times of societal shock such as the COVID-19 pandemic. An experienced team of scientists are involved in the study, led by Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir, professor at the University of Iceland Faculty of Medicine.

The study is part of an international research project in this field and is, as previously stated, open to all individuals aged 18 and over with electronic ID.

“Icelanders generally have a positive attitude toward taking part in research and the nation has probably never been more aware of the importance of science than just now. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused societal shock across the world, but we Icelanders have a unique opportunity to better understand the factors that are beneficial and detrimental in these unusual circumstances,” says Unnur.

“We can tell there are higher levels of stress in the population. The number of people contacting the health clinics has gone up, for example, due to anxiety and fear of infection, but there has also been an increase in people calling the Red Cross helpline due to loneliness. There is a danger, too, that alcohol consumption will rise and according to the police, there are indications that domestic violence is increasing as well. It is likely that the effects of the pandemic on society could be protracted. It is thus very important to explore what these effects are and research these things carefully so that we can respond correctly,” says Alma D. Möller, the Director of Health.

The research has already been approved by the National Bioethics Committee and the Data Protection Authority and has received a grant from the government of ISK 1.5 million.

On the photo, Arna Hauksdottir and Unnur Anna Valdimarsdottir, both professors at the University of Iceland are playing a leading role in the new research. Photo: Kristinn Ingvarsson.

Study Together Online | StudeerSamen

To help support our students and teachers during these difficult times, StudeerSamen seeks to bring online educational support to the foreground.

StudeerSamen (Study Together) started as an initiative at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to address the increasing study pressure and burnout rate among students. In the academic journey, it is essential to make study support more accessible and flexible for students. In doing so, they create an environment whereby students at the university can more easily share their acquired knowledge and experience with other students.

By making online educational support more accessible, StudeerSamen helps universities to facilitate education during these challenging times. The platform helps students to get in touch with each other to make educational support possible. Students are able to use StudeerSamen to find a study buddy and contact them to arrange a buddy session online. The platform of StudeerSamen is now also available to all universities of the Aurora network. University students can sign up free of charge by clicking the button below to support a fellow student.

StudeerSamen aspires to expand its contribution to education at universities further. Therefore, they look forward to working more closely with partner universities. Interested? You may reach out at

Impact of COVID-19 on Erasmus+ Webinar

The current pandemic COVID-19 poses severe implications on worldwide student mobility, especially for Erasmus+ students.

The Erasmus Student Network and European Students’ Union hosted a Q&A Webinar to discuss the implications of COVID-19 for international students. Both organizations had a chance to address questions to the European Commission regarding the challenges international students are facing due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Guests of the webinar included Oana Dumitrescu and Elena Tegovska from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), as well as representatives from the Erasmus+ National Agencies of Italy and Germany.

The recording of the webinar, as well as the transcription, are available by clicking here.

The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

On 25th March 2020, 61 organisations including patients, consumers, healthcare professionals, trade unions and public interest organisations published a letter.

The signed letter expresses views on the importance of the role of public support to research and development during the current pandemic.

Since January, the European Commission and national governments have mobilised millions of Euros to promote research on COVID-19. Together we believe that an effective response requires that all these necessary medical tools are free of charge at the point of delivery, particularly for vulnerable populations.

We strongly recommend that the EU institutions and national governments incorporate collective, pro-public safeguards, such as transparency regarding public contributions, accessibility and affordability clauses and non-exclusive licences for the exploitation of end-result products, in current and future funding calls and investments. These measures will eventually ensure the vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus reach those who need them and save numerous lives.

Aurora Meets European Commission on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

Horizon Europe is the 9th EU Framework Programme to support research and innovation (R&I), succeeding Horizon 2020. It will run from 2021-2027 with the first Calls for Proposals expected in 2021.

Although a budget and full specific programme has not yet been agreed upon, the European Commission has reached an agreement with the Council and European Parliament on the key features. The Horizon Europe strategy sets out three pillars for funding, each of which will be supported by activities to widen participation and strengthening the European Research Area (more details see here). Specific attention will be given to citizen engagement and social sciences and humanities (SSH).

At the initiative of Pim de Boer (EU Brussels liaison officer for both VU and Amsterdam UMC ) researchers from the University of Duisburg-Essen and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam met with staff from European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation on the 2nd of March, to discuss the role of SSH in pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, i.e. dealing with clusters or global challenges. Here are some highlights from that discussion.

Horizon Europe aims to have a dual approach to incorporating SSH. On the one hand, SSH will have a dedicated programme of work under (mainly) the second cluster (culture, creativity and inclusive society) and third cluster (civil security for society) in pillar 2.

On the other hand,  SSH is intended to be embedded across all other clusters in pillar two and all other parts of the Horizon Europe Programme. SSH may offer new perspectives on the challenges at hand, may provide designs with and implementation of new interventions beyond the current mainstream – often technology centred – perspectives on the urgent problems that Europe faces today.

This implies a need to incorporate SSH in all other clusters addressing all challenges. SSH particularly has a role to play in how research is designed (for example, through citizen/user engagement in the choice of research questions and research design), as well as in ensuring societal impact. Such an effect needs to be measured. Examples of measurements have been published in the ‘pathways to SSH impact’ document.

We discussed various examples of how SSH can be embedded across the clusters with ‘action research’, ‘living labs’, ‘stakeholder involvement’ being cited as examples of good practice for addressing, among others, behaviour, disinformation, inequalities, education, polarisation, urban planning, health (like the COVID-19 infection) and governance aspects.

Simulation games promote development of most in-demand career skills

Researchers at the URV and UOC have evaluated the impact of simulation games on the learning processes of students enrolled on bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, observing that, in addition to increasing student’s levels of motivation, these simulators also deliver improvements in terms of the learning process and skills acquired.

Over recent decades a new approach has been developed that casts students in a more active and prominent role concerning their learning experience. Several technologies have been created to support new tools for teaching and learning. The question that remains is: Are they competent enough to provide tangible benefits for learners? 

Researchers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) aimed to answer this question with the use of the ‘serious games’ approach applied within the field of economics. Specifically, their focus has been to evaluate the impact of business simulation games on the learning processes of students enrolled on bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, observing that, in addition to increasing student’s levels of motivation, these simulators also deliver improvements in terms of the learning process and skills acquired.

The study involved the participation of 115 students (62.61% male and 37.39% female), with an average age of 36, who played simulation games as part of their bachelor’s or master’s degree management course curriculum. They were divided into teams of four or five and competed against other teams to simulate a real company scenario. The teams completed a total of eight rounds with each round representing an economic period. At the end of the process, the researchers asked participants to complete a questionnaire to evaluate their learning process and the skills acquired.

The researchers analyzed several skills during the usage of simulators. The indicated skills included both generic and cross-disciplinary that can be applied to any education, such as decision-making, teamwork and communication, and study-specific such as in this case, the interpretation of financial reports.

The results of the study reveal that generic skills exert a positive influence on learning outcomes. The students were better equipped to process and analyses information and possessed improved skills concerning teamwork, innovation and creativity, as well as communication and technology use. These relate to specific cross-disciplinary skills that are highly valued by the labour market, serving to prepare individuals to adapt to any workplace successfully.

The researchers further concluded that these types of tools also help to overcome time and space constraints to learning. As Hernández pointed out, “they are more flexible and promote ubiquitous learning and the generation of learning communities”.

Aurora becomes Endorsing Partner Network of the SDG Accord

The Aurora Sustainability Group has identified the SDG Accord, an initiative of the Global Alliance, as a light-touch way for Aurora members to show their commitment to the SDGs and report on their work regarding the SDGs.

The SDG Accord is administered by the Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges [EAUC] and endorsed by the UN’s HE Sustainability Initiative.

The SDG Accord invites institutions to sign up (at the most senior level) to a series of commitments around the SDGs and, as part of those commitments, to compile a light touch report. Those reports are aggregated annually across the global HE/FE sector and presented to the UN. They demonstrate the scale of the impact of tertiary education against the SDGs. As of May 2019, over 110 institutions from 80+ countries had officially signed. The Board acknowledges that Aurora institutions are all at different places in their SDG journey.

We believe that signing the SDG Accord provides a clear, unambiguous baseline commitment that we should all be able to support. Therefore, we invite you to sign the Accord as a shared, collective and demonstrable public commitment to the SDGs. Meanwhile, as a sign of support, we have become an Endorsing Partner Network.  The University of Aberdeen, the University of East Anglia, the University of Naples Federico II, the University of  Rovira i Virgili, University of Innsbruck and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have all signed the Accord.

Simultaneously, the Aurora Student Council has requested the Aurora Board that the member universities of the Aurora Universities Network declare a climate emergency.

Aurora position paper on future mission area “Cancer”

The European Commission has established five missions and installed their boards. The missions need to be defined by goals, deliverables and a work plan in collaboration with stakeholders.

Therefore, the European Commission brought together stakeholders at national levels and beyond to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.

Aurora has developed a position paper with statements on the future mission area “Cancer” in order to help shape this mission in view of the European research and innovation program Horizon Europe. Please click the button to find the paper.