Aurora Mini-Grants – List of awarded Mini-Grants

After a very successful first call for applications, in which 27 applications were filed, the Aurora Central Office at Palacky University has finished its evaluation. It is our pleasure to announce the applications that will be awarded a Mini-Grant.
Out of the 27 applications, 18 project applications were chosen to receive funding. In total, more than 1,6 Million Czech Crowns have been awarded in this first round. The funding of these projects paid directly from UP’s Rectorate’s sources will serve to further strengthen the Aurora Alliance, and will directly benefit these projects set up by academics.
This pilot phase of UP Aurora Mini-Grants received a wide range of applications, spanning several different fields, from five faculties and research centres. Below please find the list of funded projects:
- Barbora SITTOVÁ – Webinars on German grammar
- David LIVINGSTONE – Promoting Mental Health among Students with Online Cultural Entertainment
- Elona KRASNIQI -Evidencing online risks of youth’s mental health of those coming from state care, and foster care.
- Filip KRAUS – Academic Networking on Researching Migration, Identities, and Sexualities in the Vietnamese Diaspora
- František KRATOCHVÍL – Wordnets for low-resource languages: Creating a roadmap for using NLP technology to aid language documentation, description, and maintenance
- Jaroslava KUBÁTOVÁ -Sustainable Social Enterprises
- Lenka DZUROVÁ – Protein engineering in the collaboration with appropriate Aurora Partner Universities
- Ľudmila LACKOVÁ – Aurorization of the course Complex Analysis of Text and Communication Process
- Lukáš ZÁMEČNÍK HADWIGER – Theory of Digital Humanities
- Michal PEPRNÍK – Sharing expertise in English studies: PhD workshops and international conference
- Miroslav KOPECKÝ – Active ageing – a healthy lifestyle
- Pavel ZAHRÁDKA – Remix Culture in the Music Industry
- Pavlína FLAJŠAROVÁ – Aurora-Shared Interdisciplinary Series of Lectures on Cultural Diversity
- Peter TAVEL – The starting shot
- Petra VACULÍKOVÁ- Cradle for Excellence in Social Sciences and Humanities (CROSS)
- Petra VACULÍKOVÁ – Colonialism in 21st Century
- Silvie VÁLKOVÁ – Bringing Academic Writing courses in English up-to-date
- Tereza MOTALOVÁ – Galileo for Open Science: Network of Stewards and Navigation Interface for the World of Open Science (“OS Galileo”)
Ordered alphabetically, based on the first name of the PI.
The applicants were asked to specify whether their project dealt with Education, Research, and/or Professionalization, with most proposals concentrating on either Education or research. The applicants were also asked to disclose the partner and associate partners named and included in the proposal. The University of Innsbruck and our associate partners from Kosice proved to be the most frequent collaborators.
The Sustainable Development Goals also hold an important position in all of Aurora’s endeavours. The applicants were asked to pick at least one of the SDGs and demonstrate how their proposal contributes to that goal. SDG 4: Quality Education and SGD 17: Partnership for the Goals were chosen most often, with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being proving popular as well.
The UP Aurora Office looks back on a promising, successful pilot phase for its Mini-Grant scheme. They are looking forward to further developing the scheme for future calls, and above all, they look forward to seeing these Mini-Grants contribute to the excellent international projects academics will carry out!