On June 18th 2021, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ethics talk will be given by Prof. Dr Guglielmo Tamburrini (U Napoli Federico II, Italy) and is part of the global course ICT4D in the field. The talk is organized into three parts.
The first part reviews distinctive and ethically sensitive traits of contemporary AI technologies: widespread semantic opaqueness of information processing, bias duplication and amplification, infrequent but surprising errors.
In the second part, a variety of local applications for AI technologies are examined where these traits raise substantive ethical concerns. These notably include autonomous weapons systems, autonomous vehicles and other real-time systems which must respect hard temporal deadlines in their perception-decision-action cycles.
Finally, in the third part, it is shown that Artificial Intelligence has increasing – and double-edged – roles to play in connection with ethical issues having a genuinely global dimension: the climate crisis, the preservation of international peace and stability, the protection of democratic participation in political decision-making.
About Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Tamburrini:
Guglielmo Tamburrini is a Philosophy of Science and Technology Professor at Università di Napoli Federico II in Italy (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology). His main research interests include the ethics of human interactions with robotic and AI systems. He was the coordinator of the first European project on the ethics of robotics (CA ETHICBOTS, 2005-2008, VI FP). In 2014 he was awarded the Giulio Preti International Prize by the Regional Parliament of Tuscany for his research and teaching on ethical implications of ICT and robotic technologies. He is a member of ICRAC (International Committee for Robot Arms Control).
Event link Passcode: ICT4DitF