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Study Together Online | StudeerSamen

22 April 2020

To help support our students and teachers during these difficult times, StudeerSamen seeks to bring online educational support to the foreground.

StudeerSamen (Study Together) started as an initiative at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to address the increasing study pressure and burnout rate among students. In the academic journey, it is essential to make study support more accessible and flexible for students. In doing so, they create an environment whereby students at the university can more easily share their acquired knowledge and experience with other students.

By making online educational support more accessible, StudeerSamen helps universities to facilitate education during these challenging times. The platform helps students to get in touch with each other to make educational support possible. Students are able to use StudeerSamen to find a study buddy and contact them to arrange a buddy session online. The platform of StudeerSamen is now also available to all universities of the Aurora network. University students can sign up free of charge by clicking the button below to support a fellow student.

StudeerSamen aspires to expand its contribution to education at universities further. Therefore, they look forward to working more closely with partner universities. Interested? You may reach out at