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Centre d’Estudis sobre Conflictes Socials (CECOS)


“The Centre for Studies on Social Conflicts (CECOS) is a research centre of the URV, formed by an interdisciplinary research team that brings together political scientists, sociologists, historians, jurists, anthropologists, communication specialists…
Its general objective is to build a space for critical reflection that promotes a multidisciplinary dialogue on the main social conflicts of the contemporary world, through scientific research activities, teaching and training activities and other technical and professional services of the university.
The specific objectives of CECOS are:
To generate knowledge from a multifaceted and globalising perspective on the processes of conflict in Spain and Europe, understanding ‘social conflict’ as the struggle of opposing interests motivated by social, political, economic, gender, ethnic, religious or other factors.
Contribute to the design of innovative, inclusive and responsible solutions in a context of unprecedented change and transformation (European identity crisis, professional structure, social impact of migratory flows, new paradigms of participation, equality, government transparency, democratic deficits, exclusion and poverty…).”

General info

Research area:
5, 6,

p, s, h, j, a, c,



Support staff e-mail:
Avinguda Catalunya