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Archives: Courses

Media Education (KČJ/YMED)

The course focuses on a wide and variable range of issues in the field of media education. In several blocks it will try to introduce the following areas:

– How do we navigate the digital world in a way that is useful and not harmful to us?
– Media in the dying world of print and the emerging online world.
– Types of media and their functioning in society.
– Who owns European media and why do we need them?
– What does disinformation media look like?

Politico-geographical processes in developing world (MRS/WPGP)


The study of current theoretical approaches and the critical analysis of case studies will allow students to gain an overview of selected aspects of internal political and political-geographical processes in developing countries, as well as an overview of selected problems in the field of international relations and security – especially those that can change the situation in developing countries measure to influence.



Within the course, attention will be paid to selected topics related to internal political processes in developing countries, as well as relevant problems in the field of international relations and security, which influence internal political processes to a certain extent. Individual lectures will focus on the current debate on the processes of forming modern states, on political systems in developing countries, on democracy and good governance or the concept of weak, collapsed and de facto states, etc.

Security, Conflict and Development (MRS/WSCD)

Aim of the course:

The aim of the course is to analyze the connections between development and security.


Content of the course:

The course “Security, Conflict and Development” is focused on understanding and analyzing security threats and their impact on development. Attention will be paid to the following topics: the causes of security threats and their impact on development, the study of conflict dynamics, the changing nature of security threats, strategies and methods of planning and implementing development interventions in unstable areas, the concept of “DO NO HARM”, etc. The course will attention was also paid to the potential role of development cooperation as a factor in prevention, early warning and conflict transformation.


This course requires physical mobility throughout the whole semester.