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Research Resources – Registration

    Your Contact Details

    Please fill in your contact details in case we need to reach out to you for further information

    Copenhagen Business SchoolUniversita di Napoli Federico IIUniverzita Palackého v OlomouciUniversitat Rovira i VirgiliUniversität Duisburg-EssenUniversität InnsbruckUniversity of East AngliaUniversity of IcelandVrije Universiteit AmsterdamSouth-West University 'Neofit Rilsky'Kharkiv National UniversityPavol Jozef Šafárik UniversityUniversity of TetovaUniversité Paris-Est Créteil

    Name *

    E-mail *



    General Information Resource

    Please provide the following general information on your resources


    Here we only look for core facilities and equipment. Only add resources that your university is 1.) able to share / has capacity to share, 2.) would like to share, and 3.) could drive collaboration within the alliance.

    Here we only look for databases and repositories. Only add resources that your university is 1.) able to share / has capacity to share, 2.) would like to share, and 3.) could drive collaboration within the alliance.

    Here we only look for research centers and research groups at your institution. Here key researchers and support staff of each center/group should be named with contact details.

    Here we only look for external collaborative research networks in which your university is a member. The Aurora Alliance is one example of such a network. Please do not enter external networks in which individual scientists or individual departments of your university are members - this information will be gathered at a later stage of the project.


    Short description*

    Terms and Conditions*
    Multiple choice allowedFree for useAcademic collaboration on siteAcademic collaboration onlineCommercial collaborationPay for useTo be specified

    Terms and Conditions to be specified
    If possible, provide further information or a link to the terms and conditions

    100% owned by universityShared with other entityTo be specified

    Shared with other entity
    Please provide further information if possible

    Keywords* (max 5, separated by comma)


    Please indicate if your resources is affiliated to another resources in the database. For example, a research group could be directly linked to a laboratory.

    ERC keywords
    For a comprehensive list of all ERC keywords see this document

    Image of resource (URL)
    Please provide a link to an image of the resource which then will be shown on the interactive map. To do so, right-click on an image on the web and chose “Copy image address”.

    Research Area

    Please choose to which research areas your resource belongs

    Research area*
    Multiple choice allowed1. Natural Sciences2. Engineering and Technology3. Medical and Health Sciences4. Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences5. Social Sciences6. Humanities7. Other

    Other research area specified
    Please specify the research area(s)

    Specific research area*
    Multiple choice allowed1.1 Mathematics1.2 Computer and Information Sciences1.3 Physical Sciences1.4 Chemical Sciences1.5 Earth and Related Environmental Sciences1.6 Biological Sciences1.7 Other Natural Sciences2.1 Civil Engineering2.2 Electrical/Electronic/Information Engineering2.3 Mechanical Engineering2.4 Chemical Engineering2.5 Materials Engineering2.6 Medical Engineering2.7 Environmental Engineering2.8 Environmental Biotechnology2.9 Industrial Biotechnology2.10 Nano-Technology2.11 Other Engineering and Technologies3.1 Basic Medicine3.2 Clinical Medicine3.3 Health Sciences3.4 Medical Biotechnology3.5 Other Medical Sciences4.1 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries4.2 Animal and Dairy Science4.3 Veterinary Science4.4 Agricultural Biotechnology4.5 Other Agricultural Sciences5.1 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences5.2 Economics and Business5.3 Educational Sciences5.4 Sociology5.5 Law5.6 Political Sciences5.7 Social and Economic Geography5.8 Media and Communications5.9 Other Social Sciences6.1 History and Archeology6.2 Languages and Literature6.3 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion6.4 Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)6.5 Other Humanities

    Other Specific research area specified
    Please specify the research area(s)


    Please provide the GPS coordinates and address to your resource. To get the latitude/longitude coordinates click on this link and type in the address. You should now see the latitude/longitude coordinates. If there is no specific location for this resource, please provide the latitude/longitude coordinates and address to the main building of your university.

    GPS X* (e.g. 50.123)

    GPS Y* (e.g. 15.456)

    Street name

    Street number

    Postal Code



    Contact Details Resources

    Please fill in the contact details for the responsible contact person and support staff of the network at your university.

    Contact Person Name *

    Contact Person E-mail *

    Contact Person Position

    Contact Person Phone

    Key Researcher Name

    Key Researcher E-mail

    Key Researcher Position

    Key Researcher Phone

    Support Staff Name

    Support Staff E-mail

    Support Staff Position

    Support Staff Phone


    Support Staff #2 Name

    Support Staff #2 E-mail

    Support Staff #2 Position

    Support Staff #2 Phone

    Additional Information

    Please provide any additional information on your resource

    By submitting this form you confirm that the provided image can legally be shown online on the Aurora interactive map