Keywords* (max 5, separated by comma)
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— Select — Additive Manufacturing Africa-UniNet Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences Amsterdam Centre for Family Law Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam Movement Sciences Amsterdam Neuroscience Amsterdam Reproduction & Development Amsterdam Research Center in Accounting Analyser of size distributions and zeta potential from dispersions (Z-sizer) Analytics Core Facility Essen Application-oriented organic synthesis Archeology laboratory Ars Rosa - Archivio sulla ragion di Stato / Reason of State Archive Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity ASEA-UNINET – AEAN European Academic University Network Atomic force microscopy (AFM) Aubrey Daniels Research Institute for Behavior Analysis AURAM – Austrian Universities’ Research Administrators and Managers Austrian Core Facility for Scientific Core analysis Bioactive Heterocyclic Derivatives Cancer Center Amsterdam CATSUD-URV HRMS Platfom CATSUD-URV nanotechnology platform CBS Research Portal CBS Sustainability Center for Climate Change, Corporations and the Law Center for Corporate Governance (CCG) Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) Center for Instrumental Analysis Center for International Criminal Justice Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen Center for Urban Studies Center of Medical Biotechnology Central Collection of Algal Cultures (CCAC) Centre d’Estudis sobre Conflictes Socials (CECOS) Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts (CDHA, MSHL) Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV) Centre for Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication Centre for Public Organization, Value and Innovation (POVI) Chemical analysis – from atoms to biomolecules (EFNGREIN) Chemical Data CLARIN-IS Clean Room and Mass Spectrometry Laboratories Climate Change Centre Austria Climate-KIC CLUE+ Constitutional Law Library Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) Criminal Law and Criminology Cultural Anthropology and Material Culture Cyclic simple shear cell DANS Data Repository DATICE - The Icelandic Social Science Data Service Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing LAB Digital Tech Summit Disaster Competence Network Austria Doppler Wind Lidar (Stream Line XR) DuEPublico Dutch Autism Register Dutch Twin Register Econometrics and Data Science Economics Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer Electromagnetic compatibility/antenna measurement technology Electron beam microprobe JEOL ELIXIR ELIXIR CZ Enterpreneurship Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) with X-ray microanalysis Erwin L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ELH) Essen College of Gender Research (EKfG) Ethics, Governance and Society EUA Council for Doctoral Education (VUA) FedOA Share Books Field experiments (crops) Finance FIRMBACKBONE Forest station Mieming From molecules to precision medicine (SAMSNIÐ) Full Body X-ray Phantom Genomics and Transcriptomics Facility (GTF) Genomics Core Facility (GCF) High memory server Hypatia for NGS data analysis High performance liquid chromatographer for analytical HPLC – 1260 Infinity II (Agilent Technologies) High-resolution scanning electron microscope (FESEM-FIB) Historical Library of Chemistry HPLC-UV/DAD Hydraulic engineering - laboratory hall with pumping station ICAN - Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale ICT for Health project (Local Data Center) ICT for Health project (Public Cloud) Imaging Center Campus Essen Imaging Center Essen (IMCES) In Cell Analyzer 2200 (GE Healthcare) Infrared spectrometer (Nicolet iS50) Innsbruck Atmospheric Observatory (IAO) for Environmental Research in Alpine and Urban Terrain Innsbruck Box (i-Box) Institute of Brain and Behavior Amsterdam Institute of International Affairs University of Iceland Interface in Hybrid Systems Isolation and cultivation of primary cell cultures IU-RESCAT, Institut Universitari de Recerca en Sostenibilitat, Canvi Climàtic i Transició Energètica (University Institute for Research on Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Transition) Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21) KIN Center for Digital Innovation Knowledge Transfer Centre West Language, Literature and Communication Large triaxial cell apparatus LEARN! LIBER: Europe’s research library community Library MAGNETOM Terra 7-Tesla MRI System MALDI-HRMS Marketing Massa Spectrometer Materials Science & Engineering Centre (Efnis-setur (MSE-Lab)) Microwave synthesizer – CEM Discover SP Migration and Refugee Law Mobile laboratory for stable isotope analysis MolMeDB Mössbauer spectroscopy Motion analysis system with 8 Vicon Bonita 10 cameras NanoLab Innsbruck Natural product synthesis Necropsy room of Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production of the University of Naples "Federico II" Network of Public Universities in Iceland NETZ - NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum NMR spectrometer ECA-500 (JEOL, Japan) NMR spectrometer ECZ400R/S1 (JEOL, Japan) NUAS (“Det Nordiska Universitets Administratörs Samarbetet”) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Equipment NWIB ODISSEI Operations Analytics Organic synthesis and scale up lab Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Organizational Theory OSF Philosophy PIE Polarimetry Prusa 3D printer Raman microscope (Nicolet DXR2) Raman-FTIR microscopy (Raman Spectroscopy) READ-COOP Research Area Center for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck (CMBI) Research Area Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts Research Area Digital Science Center (DiSC) Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics and Society Research Area Mountain Regions Research Area Physics Research Area Scientific Computing Research Institute Brenner-Archiv Research Platform Advanced Materials Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI) Resonant column-torsional shear test device Roman, medieval and modern Law Library Scanning confocal microscopy (Confocal Microscopy) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) - FEI Nova Nano FEG-SEM 450 Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory Scientific & Technical Resources Service Semi-pilot plant unit for organic synthesis SeReNa (System for electronic peer-Reviewed journals @ university of Naples) Servant-Leadership Centre for Research and Education (SERVUS) Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Soils laboratory tests Spatial Economics Special and historical collections of books and manuscripts Strategic Management Supercomputer cluster SURF Synthesis and analysis of cytokinins The Amsterdam Public Health research institute (APH) The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) The Biomedical Center (BMC) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) - FEI TECNAI G2 200kV Transmission Electron Microscope of atomic resolution (FETEM) Transmission Electron Microscopy Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Ultrasound Aixplorer Ultimate UnILiON UniNEtZ – Universitäten und Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele Universities in the European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino Universities of The Netherlands University Bibliography University Library Imagebase University Social Responsibility Network (USRN) URV Repository Vibrating sample magnetometry (SQUID) VU Amsterdam Center for Strategizing & Organizing Innovation VU Center for Boards and Executive Leadership Development VU Center for Business & Society VU Center for Consulting and Professional Service Firms VU Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Organisations VU Center for Ecosystems VU Center for Enterprise Family Research VU Center for Feedback Culture West German Biobank Essen (WBE) X-Ray Diffraction X-Ray diffraction X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) XRD Powder diffractometer Panalytical X’Pert PRO
ERC keywords
For a comprehensive list of all ERC keywords see this document PE1 Mathematics PE1_1 Logic and foundations PE1_2 Algebra PE1_3 Number theory PE1_4 Algebraic and complex geometry PE1_5 Lie groups PE1_6 Geometry and Global Analysis PE1_7 Topology PE1_8 Analysis PE1_9 Operator algebras and functional analysis PE1_10 ODE and dynamical systems PE1_11 Theoretical aspects of partial differential equations PE1_12 Mathematical physics PE1_13 Probability PE1_14 Statistics PE1_15 Discrete mathematics and combinatorics PE1_16 Mathematical aspects of computer science PE1_17 Numerical analysis PE1_18 Scientific computing and data processing PE1_19 Control theory and optimisation PE1_20 Application of mathematics in sciences PE1_21 Application of mathematics in industry and society PE2 Fundamental Constituents of Matter PE2_1 Fundamental interactions and fields PE2_2 Particle physics PE2_3 Nuclear physics PE2_4 Nuclear astrophysics PE2_5 Gas and plasma physics PE2_6 Electromagnetism PE2_7 Atomic PE2_8 Ultra-cold atoms and molecules PE2_9 Optics PE2_10 Quantum optics and quantum information PE2_11 Lasers PE2_12 Relativity PE2_13 Thermodynamics PE2_14 Non-linear physics PE2_15 Metrology and measurement PE2_16 Statistical physics (gases) PE3 Condensed Matter Physics PE3_1 Structure of solids PE3_2 Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter PE3_3 Transport properties of condensed matter PE3_4 Electronic properties of materials PE3_5 Physical properties of semiconductors and insulators PE3_6 Macroscopic quantum phenomena: superconductivity PE3_7 Spintronics PE3_8 Magnetism and strongly correlated systems PE3_9 Condensed matter – beam interactions (photons PE3_10 Nanophysics: nanoelectronics PE3_11 Mesoscopic physics PE3_12 Molecular electronics PE3_13 Structure and dynamics of disordered systems: soft matter (gels PE3_14 Fluid dynamics (physics) PE3_15 Statistical physics: phase transitions PE3_16 Physics of biological systems PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences PE4_1 Physical chemistry PE4_2 Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques PE4_3 Molecular architecture and Structure PE4_4 Surface science and nanostructures PE4_5 Analytical chemistry PE4_6 Chemical physics PE4_7 Chemical instrumentation PE4_8 Electrochemistry PE4_9 Method development in chemistry PE4_10 Heterogeneous catalysis PE4_11 Physical chemistry of biological systems PE4_12 Chemical reactions: mechanisms PE4_13 Theoretical and computational chemistry PE4_14 Radiation and Nuclear chemistry PE4_15 Photochemistry PE4_16 Corrosion PE4_17 Characterisation methods of materials PE4_18 Environment chemistry PE5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials PE5_1 Structural properties of materials PE5_2 Solid state materials PE5_3 Surface modification PE5_4 Thin films PE5_5 Ionic liquids PE5_6 New materials: oxides PE5_7 Biomaterials PE5_8 Intelligent materials – self assembled materials PE5_9 Coordination chemistry PE5_10 Colloid chemistry PE5_11 Biological chemistry PE5_12 Chemistry of condensed matter PE5_13 Homogeneous catalysis PE5_14 Macromolecular chemistry PE5_15 Polymer chemistry PE5_16 Supramolecular chemistry PE5_17 Organic chemistry PE5_18 Medicinal chemistry PE6 Computer Science and Informatics PE6_1 Computer architecture PE6_2 Computer systems PE6_3 Software engineering PE6_4 Theoretical computer science PE6_5 Cryptology PE6_6 Algorithms PE6_7 Artificial intelligence PE6_8 Computer graphics PE6_9 Human computer interaction and interface PE6_10 Web and information systems PE6_11 Machine learning PE6_12 Scientific computing PE6_13 Bioinformatics PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering PE7_1 Control engineering PE7_2 Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems PE7_3 Simulation engineering and modelling PE7_4 (Micro- and nano-) systems engineering PE7_5 (Micro- and nano-) electronic PE7_6 Communication technology PE7_7 Signal processing PE7_8 Networks (communication networks PE7_9 Man-machine interfaces PE7_10 Robotics PE7_11 Components and systems for applications (in e.g. medicine PE7_12 Electrical energy production PE8 Products and Processes Engineering PE8_1 Aerospace engineering PE8_2 Chemical engineering PE8_3 Civil engineering PE8_4 Computational engineering PE8_5 Fluid mechanics PE8_6 Energy processes engineering PE8_7 Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping PE8_8 Materials engineering (biomaterials PE8_9 Production technology PE8_10 Industrial design (product design PE8_11 Sustainable design (for recycling PE8_12 Lightweight construction PE8_13 Industrial bioengineering PE9 Universe Sciences PE9_1 Solar and interplanetary physics PE9_2 Planetary systems sciences PE9_3 Interstellar medium PE9_4 Formation of stars and planets PE9_5 Astrobiology PE9_6 Stars and stellar systems PE9_7 The Galaxy PE9_8 Formation and evolution of galaxies PE9_9 Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures PE9_10 High energy and particles astronomy – X-rays PE9_11 Relativistic astrophysics PE9_12 Dark matter PE9_13 Gravitational astronomy PE9_14 Cosmology PE9_15 Space Sciences PE9_16 Very large data bases: archiving PE9_17 Instrumentation - telescopes PE10 Earth System Science PE10_1 Atmospheric chemistry PE10_2 Meteorology PE10_3 Climatology and climate change PE10_4 Terrestrial ecology PE10_5 Geology PE10_6 Palaeoclimatology PE10_7 Physics of earth’s interior PE10_8 Oceanography (physical PE10_9 Biogeochemistry PE10_10 Mineralogy PE10_11 Geochemistry PE10_12 Sedimentology PE10_13 Physical geography PE10_14 Earth observations from space/remote sensing PE10_15 Geomagnetism PE10_16 Ozone PE10_17 Hydrology PE10_18 Cryosphere PE10_19 Planetary geology and geophysics PE10_20 Geohazards: earthquakes LS1 Molecular Biology LS1_1 Macromolecular complexes including interactions involving nucleic acids LS1_2 Biochemistry LS1_3 DNA synthesis LS1_4 RNA synthesis LS1_5 Protein synthesis LS1_6 Lipid biology LS1_7 Glycobiology LS1_8 Molecular biophysics (e.g. single-molecule approaches LS1_9 Structural biology and its methodologies (e.g. crystallography LS1_10 Molecular mechanisms of signalling pathways LS1_11 Fundamental aspects of synthetic biology and chemical biology LS2 Genetics LS2_1 Molecular genetics LS2_2 Non-coding RNAs LS2_3 Quantitative genetics LS2_4 Genetic epidemiology LS2_5 Epigenetics and gene regulation LS2_6 Genomics (e.g. comparative genomics LS2_7 Metagenomics LS2_8 Transcriptomics LS2_9 Proteomics LS2_10 Metabolomics LS2_11 Glycomics/Lipidomics LS2_12 Bioinformatics LS2_13 Computational biology LS2_14 Biostatistics LS2_15 Systems biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS3_1 Morphology and functional imaging of cells and tissues LS3_2 Cytoskeleton and cell behaviour (e.g. control of cell shape LS3_3 Organelle biology and trafficking LS3_4 Cell junctions LS3_5 Cell signalling and signal transduction LS3_6 Cell cycle LS3_7 Cell death (including senescence) and autophagy LS3_8 Cell differentiation LS3_9 Developmental genetics in animals and plants LS3_10 Embryology and pattern formation in animals and plants LS3_11 Tissue organisation and morphogenesis in animals and plants (including biophysical approaches) LS3_12 Stem cell biology in development LS4 Physiology LS4_1 Organ physiology and pathophysiology LS4_2 Comparative physiology and pathophysiology LS4_3 Molecular aspects of endocrinology LS4_4 Fundamental mechanisms underlying ageing LS4_5 Metabolism LS4_6 Fundamental mechanisms underlying cancer LS4_7 Fundamental mechanisms underlying cardiovascular diseases LS4_8 Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric and immunity-related diseases) LS5 Neuroscience and Neural Disorders LS5_1 Neural cell function LS5_2 Systems neuroscience and computational neuroscience (e.g. neural networks LS5_3 Neuronal development LS5_4 Sensation and perception (e.g. sensory systems LS5_5 Neural bases of cognitive processes (e.g. memory LS5_6 Neural bases of behaviour (e.g. sleep LS5_7 Neurological disorders (e.g. neurodegenerative diseases LS5_8 Psychiatric disorders (e.g. affective and anxiety disorders LS5_9 Neurotrauma and neurovascular conditions (including injury LS6 Immunity and Infection LS6_1 Innate immunity in animals and plants LS6_2 Adaptive immunity LS6_3 Regulation and effector functions of the immune response (e.g. cytokines LS6_4 Immunological mechanisms in disease (e.g. autoimmunity LS6_5 Biology of pathogens (e.g. bacteria LS6_6 Mechanisms of infection (e.g. transmission LS6_7 Biological basis of prevention and treatment of infection (e.g. infection natural cycle LS6_8 Infectious diseases in animals and plants LS7 Applied Medical Technologies LS7_1 Imaging for medical diagnosis LS7_2 Genetic tools for medical diagnosis LS7_3 Other medical technologies for diagnosis and monitoring of diseases LS7_4 Pharmacology and pharmacogenomics (including drug discovery and design LS7_5 Applied gene and cell therapies LS7_6 Radiation therapy LS7_7 Analgesia and surgery LS7_8 Epidemiology and public health LS7_9 Environmental health LS7_10 Health services LS8 Ecology LS8_1 Ecosystem and community ecology LS8_2 Biodiversity LS8_3 Population biology LS8_4 Evolutionary ecology LS8_5 Evolutionary genetics LS8_6 Phylogenetics LS8_7 Macroevolution LS8_8 Coevolution LS8_9 Behavioural ecology and evolution LS8_10 Microbial ecology and evolution LS8_11 Marine biology and ecology LS9 Applied Life Sciences LS9_1 Applied biotechnology (including transgenic organisms LS9_2 Applied bioengineering LS9_3 Applied animal sciences (including animal breeding LS9_4 Applied plant sciences (including crop production LS9_5 Food sciences (including food technology LS9_6 Biomass production and utilisation LS9_7 Environmental biotechnology (including bioindicators LS9_8 Biohazards (including biological containment LS9_9 Marine biotechnology (including marine bioproducts SH1 Individuals SH1_1 Macroeconomics; monetary economics; economic growth SH1_2 International management; international trade; international business; spatial economics SH1_3 Development economics SH1_4 Financial economics; banking; corporate finance; international finance; accounting; auditing; insurance SH1_5 Labour and demographic economics; human resource management SH1_6 Econometrics; operations research SH1_7 Behavioural economics; experimental economics; neuro-economics SH1_8 Microeconomics; game theory SH1_9 Industrial organisation; strategy; entrepreneurship SH1_10 Management; marketing; organisational behaviour; operations management SH1_11 Technological change SH1_12 Agricultural economics; energy economics; environmental economics SH1_13 Public economics; political economics; law and economics SH1_14 Competition law SH1_15 Quantitative economic history and history of economics; institutional economics; economic systems SH2 Institutions SH2_1 Political systems SH2_2 Democratisation and social movements SH2_3 Conflict resolution SH2_4 Constitutions SH2_5 International relations SH2_6 Sustainability sciences SH2_7 Environmental and climate change SH2_8 Energy SH2_9 Urban SH2_10 Land use and regional planning SH2_11 Human SH2_12 GIS SH3 The Social World SH3_1 Social structure SH3_2 Inequalities SH3_3 Social integration SH3_4 Attitudes and beliefs SH3_5 Social influence; power and group behaviour SH3_6 Kinship; diversity and identities SH3_7 Social policies SH3_8 Population dynamics; households SH3_9 Health SH3_10 Religious studies SH3_11 Social aspects of learning SH3_12 Communication and information SH3_13 Digital social research SH3_14 Science and technology studies SH4 The Human Mind and Its Complexity SH4_1 Cognitive basis of human development and education SH4_2 Personality and social cognition; emotion SH4_3 Clinical and health psychology SH4_4 Neuropsychology SH4_5 Attention SH4_6 Learning SH4_7 Reasoning SH4_8 Language learning and processing (first and second languages) SH4_9 Theoretical linguistics; computational linguistics SH4_10 Language typology; historical linguistics SH4_11 Pragmatics SH4_12 Philosophy of mind SH4_13 Philosophy of science SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production SH5_1 Classics SH5_2 Theory and history of literature SH5_3 Philology and palaeography SH5_4 Visual and performing arts SH5_5 Music and musicology; history of music SH5_6 History of art and architecture SH5_7 Museums SH5_8 Cultural studies SH5_9 Metaphysics SH5_10 Ethics; social and political philosophy SH5_11 History of philosophy SH5_12 Computational modelling and digitisation in the cultural sphere SH6 The Study of the Human Past SH6_1 Historiography SH6_2 Classical archaeology SH6_3 General archaeology SH6_4 Prehistory SH6_5 Ancient history SH6_6 Medieval history SH6_7 Early modern history SH6_8 Modern and contemporary history SH6_9 Colonial and post-colonial history SH6_10 Global history SH6_11 Social and economic history SH6_12 Gender history; cultural history; history of collective identities and memories SH6_13 History of ideas SH6_14 History of science
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