Palacký University Staff participated in the Open Science Incubator

6 February 2023

Tereza Motalová is the first person from within the Aurora Community to have successfully completed the Open Science Incubator organized by VU Amsterdam. Completion of this Incubator plays a crucial role in the creation and further development of Open Science communities within Aurora, and at Palacký University Olomouc in particular.

Building on the renowned Open Science expertise of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in the Open Science Incubator Dutch Open Science experts trained the participants in how to set up, develop and manage an Open Science community, over the course of a 12-week programme.

Based on the outcomes of the Open Science Incubator, a comprehensive Open Science Community strategy and action plan were created at UP, pioneering these developments in Czech Higher Education. This led to UP making a concrete plan towards the creation of the Open Science Community Olomouc, which aims is to generate interest form a core group of influencers and engage early career researchers and students informally, through a variety of methods.

According to Tereza, “participating in the Open Science Incubator was a great experience, which will be invaluable in developing Open Science at Palacký University. I look forward to putting everything we learned into practice!”

This development directly contributes to the completion of the activities in Aurora RI WP6, and ties into Aurora’s ambitions for the next phase and the activities of the proposes work package and Research and Open Science.