On the 28th of June, the Health and Wellbeing Pilot Domain is organizing a summer meeting with a duo purpose to show education and research activities in the Health and Wellbeing pilot domain. The aim is to pave the way for the birth of a Health and wellbeing community within Aurora, with collaborations among the AURORA partners in the field of Education and Research. Therefore, the focus of the meeting is to present the activities in the field of Health and Wellbeing and to exchange ideas on current and future activities.
10.00 – 10.05 am Welcome and Introduction
10.05-10.20 am Presentation of a map of the Health and Wellbeing education within the Aurora universities
10.20 -11.00 am Education Session
Participants (one or two for each university) presents the teaching activities within the Health and wellbeing domain. Each presenter should provide information on:
- Initiatives opened or to be opened to all aurora students
- Existing, planned or even ideas for new activities in collaboration with other Aurora partners
11.00-11.15 Discussion
11.15-12.00 am Research Session
Each university presents their research interests by answering the following questions
- what are the main areas of research of my University
- Research infrastructures that could be shared among Aurora Universities (WP 4.2)
- How being part of the Aurora Network could bring benefits to your research activities
Participants can register at the following link