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Sustainability & Climate Change

The team has analysed the study programmes at all participating universities; three courses have been offered to all Aurora students which also fulfil the standards of Aurorisation and “jointness of education”. 21 faculty members from seven Aurora universities were involved, 170 students from eight Aurora universities attended the courses. This pilot domain is further developing a microcredential (certificate) “Sustainability & Climate Change” based on the two courses already implemented (in total 10 ECTS Credits) as an intermediate step. The implementation of the microcredential is an intermediate step on the way to a joint educational programme. In addition, it also serves within the university as a model and blueprint for the development of new, innovative teaching and learning models as well as cooperation models. In the national context/exchange, it serves both other national universities and the ministry as an example or as a basis for discussion and this promotes corresponding developments here as well.

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