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Aurora Doctoral Pool – Registration

The AURORA pool on potential Doctoral Committee Members enables a quick search for researchers from AURORA universities who are willing to serve on a doctoral committee or review process at another AURORA university. When you register, your details will be transferred to a searchable database containing your research and contact details. The legal and organisational issues for a researcher to be involved in any role during doctoral training must be clarified by the individuals involved on a case-by-case basis. The database is for search purposes only and therefore has no binding force. Please complete the following questionnaire accordingly and take the time to enter the keywords appropriate to your research area.

    Your Details



    Copenhagen Business SchoolUniversita di Napoli Federico IIUniverzita Palackého v OlomouciUniversitat Rovira i VirgiliUniversität Duisburg-EssenUniversität InnsbruckUniversity of East AngliaUniversity of IcelandVrije Universiteit Amsterdam



    Subject group*
    Life SciencesNatural SciencesSocial SciencesHumanitiesEngineering





    Collaboration between the AURORA universities takes place along five pilot domains. Please select which domains match your field of research (multiple selections possible).


    Sustainability & Climate ChangeDigital Society & Global CitizenshipHealth & Well-beingCulture: Diversity & IdentitySocial Entrepreneurship & InnovationNo match


    Data Privacy


    By registering, you agree that we process and store the entered data. You also agree that we publish your name, affiliation and the web link on a specific website and database to be used in connection with the AURORA Doctoral Committee pool activities.