Sustainability through Innovation. Between Economic, Ecological and Social Trade-Offs

In order for our social and economic systems to exist in the long term and be viable for the future, they must be designed with sustainability in mind. A distinction is made between three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, ecological and social sustainability. However, developments are often one-sidedly sustainable, i.e. they come at the expense of the other two dimensions of sustainability. This also applies to many economic innovations, which are designed and evaluated in organizations primarily with a view to increasing efficiency and market success in the short term.
However, economic and social players are increasingly confronted with the challenge of producing innovations in the context of competitive pressure and flexibility while at the same time acting sustainably. It is becoming increasingly clear that an integrative perspective of sustainability and innovation is beneficial and can bring the dimensions of sustainable development into balance, provided that all three sustainability dimensions are given equal consideration in the development of innovation from the outset. Successful practical examples provide an insight into the successful combination of innovation and sustainable development.