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Archives: Courses

Migration in Today´s World (MRS / XMIG)

Migration in Today’s World is a one-semester course designed for students with an active interest in migration and asylum issues. The following issues are presented and analyzed in the course of each lecture: theories of international migration; the multifactorial nature of the migration process and the blurring of the boundaries between voluntary and forced displacement (with special reference to environmental migration); the changing profile of the migrant; refugeeism and asylum; the impediments to migrants’ entry into national territory; the consequences of migration for countries of origin, receiving countries and migrants themselves; and ethical dilemmas associated with migration and migration policy. The theoretical considerations are accompanied by examples or larger case studies from different parts of the world.


Short-term mobility will be required in April (the specific dates will be provided by the lecturer at the start of the course). Please, make sure to consult mobility coordinator at your institution to explore potential funding opportunities.

BIP : CSR and Leadership in respect to Food Sustainability, Nutrition and Health

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short, intensive programs that use innovative pedagogical approaches, involving short periods of face-to-face activities combined with online learning and cooperation. This BIP will allow  the recognition of 5 ECTS if allowed by your study program and according to institutional rules.

On site activities will be hosted November 25-29th, 2024 at IAE Paris-Est School of Management at UPEC (Université Paris- Est Créteil)

Online activities are scheduled from early November to early December (4 sessions of each 2h, after-class hours).

For more information, please contact Laurence Beierlein :

Virtual component program

  • 14/11/2024 17:00 CET
    Design and sustainable food systems
    Ramon Rispoli, University of Naples Federico II, Italy


  • 21/11/2024 17:00 CET
    Issues and challenges of a sustainable food offering
    Laurence Beierlein, IAE Management School, UPEC, France


  • 05/12/2024 17:00 CET
    Key learnings for a collective action towards responsible consumption and production
    Laurence Beierlein, IAE Management School, UPEC, France


Please fill in the following form to apply :

Contemporary literature for children and youth (KČJ / SLD2@)

Course content:
Frequent genres in reading for children and youth and their didactic potential in terms of the objectives of the RVP ZV. Current themes in contemporary literature for children and youth. The permeability of genre boundaries in contemporary literature for children and young people. Characteristics of artistic and educational literature for children and youth. Image and text in contemporary literature for children and young people. Theoretical reflection on contemporary literature for children and young people in professional journals and specialist literature.
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
– evaluate current trends in the development of Czech and world literature for children and youth;
– assess the artistic qualities of contemporary domestic and translated productions for children and young people;
– assess the didactic potential of the most frequently read genres and works of Czech and world literature for children and youth;
– evaluate the current state of theoretical reflection on literature for children and youth.


Short-term mobility will be required in early June (the specific dates will be provided by the lecturer at the start of the course). Please, make sure to consult mobility coordinator at your institution to explore potential funding opportunities.

8th Advanced in silico Drug Design workshop 2025

8ADD workshop (27.1.2025 – 31.1.2025) is focused on using in silico tools and approaches in drug design. We cover both structure-based drug design (molecular docking, molecular dynamics, structural bioinformatics tools) and ligand-based drug design (QSAR, pharmacophores, deep learning) with lectures and on-hand tutorials.


To sign up, please click on Registration. For more information, visit the website of the organiser.

An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (BIP)

This course introduces students to organizational social entrepreneurship, a process by which opportunities to create public goods are identified and created. Being an “essentially contested concept” (Choi and Majumdar, 2014) social entrepreneurship is best understood as a cluster concept covering different applications ranging from the launching of social enterprise start-ups to the transformation of industry sectors towards sustainability. In the course we will analyze the antecedents of social entrepreneurship. An essential part of the course will be an introduction to core concepts of social entrepreneurship such as the theory of change, social impact measurement tools, and hybrid organizational form selection. To supplement academic learning with hands on project experience students will work in teams on a specific social entrepreneurship problem.

Session 1 online: 10 June, 2025
Session 2 online: 19 June, 2025
Session 3 online: 16 July, 2025

Onsite period: 23 June,2025-10 July,2025

Social Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation (BIP)

This intensive three-week course uses a mix of lecturing, firm visits with Copenhagen-based social enterprises and applied group work to maximize student learning. As part of this course you will work in diverse teams, allowing you to reflect critically on a social business model that you develop throughout the course. This experiential learning pedagogy culminates in the preparation of an investment ready social business model, which will be presented as part of a final pitch event, thus allowing you to acquire impact investing competencies – a skill set the Financial Times predicts is in increasing demand by employers causing “a real war on talent” (FT, 5 June 2021). The course is highly interactive with the corresponding expectation that students engage actively. Since this is an intensive 3-week course it is essential that you plan enough time every week both for class preparation (10-12 hours per week), attending lectures (12-14 hours per week) and group work after class (10-12 hours per week). An intensive 3-week ISUP course is thus not made for students who are working part or full-time while also attending the summer university.

Please note that due to its nature as a blended intensive programme (BIP) the course has several virtual components: Two “pre-assignment” online sessions will be held during the month of June in which you get introduced to the course and where group work begins. Finally, there are two online sessions at the end of the course in which we prepare for your exam project.

Session 1 online: 10 June, 2025
Session 2 online: 19 June, 2025
Session 3 online: 16 July, 2025

Onsite period: 23 June, 2025 – 10 July, 2025

BIP: Linguistic Diversity, Intercultural Competences & European Identity

Four Aurora Universities are located in four distinct parts of Europe with one common interest: to explore and learn about linguistic diversity and plurilingualism-inspired pedagogical approaches!

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short, intensive programs that use innovative pedagogical approaches, involving short periods of face-to-face activities combined with online learning and cooperation.

Participation in this BIP is open to all Aurora Universities for staff, academics, and students. It may allow the recognition of 3-6 ECTS if allowed by your study program and according to institutional rules. A certificate of participation and proficiency will be issued to all participants!

The student call for application is out now!


Click here to download the BIP programme.


To register, please, contact Markus Öbrink (