Eco-systems disruption by IT

An ecosystem is a collection of parties who work cooperatively and competitively to satisfy customer needs. Well-known examples are Google, Facebook, and Netflix, but there are many other eco-systems in the field, e.g. in Fintech, energy, and automotive industry. In this course, we focus on digital ecosystems which are enabled by Internet- and related technologies. Frequently, these ecosystems are disrupted by innovative information technologies, such as machine learning, blockchain, and 5G mobile. The overall goal of this course is to analyze disruptive opportunities for an eco-system given a particular emerging technology. This year, that technology is blockchain.
Course content
The course comprises the following topics:
- Eco-systems and platforms
- Introduction in the selected technology of this year
- Business models and value proposition design
- The e3value method for understanding business networks
- The Business Process Modelling Notation for analysing cross-organizational networks
- The Unified Modelling Language – class modelling
- Transaction modelling
- Technological design issues
Additional information on teaching methods
The following methods are used:
- Lectures twice a week. These lectures include in-class workshops to practice the various methods used in this course
- Group work: teams of about 2/3 students design an eco-system. At the beginning of the course a number of eco- systems are offered as inspiration
- Group feedback sessions: Each week, students will get personal feedback in face-to-face feedback sessions. Moreover, groups will receive feedback on their submitted reports by email.
In order to be successful, the student should have sufficient knowledge about Requirements Engineering and/or Conceptual Modelling and should master such a modelling method (for example UML class or activity diagrams).
Interested students can send an e-mail to and will then receive the online application form. Please make sure to finalise your registration before 15 January 2025. Please reach out to the Aurora representatives at your home university to discuss the possibilities for funding.