On September 24, the second Aurora Capacity Development Training Event of the year took place in Kosice, Slovakia. The training focused on “Diversity and Inclusion – Ways Forward in Fostering Inclusive and Enriching Practices and Policies at Aurora Universities.”
The event gathered 65 participants, including senior management, faculty, staff, and students from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (UPJS) as well as representatives from South-West University “Neofit Rilski.”
The interactive training program, led by colleagues from UPOL, UPEC, and VU, along with UPJS experts and students, aimed to open dialogue on promoting inclusive practices and policies at Aurora universities and in broader society.

The day began with a welcome from UPJS Vice-Rector Silvia Rucinska. Selma Porobic and Oleksandr Khyzhniak followed with an introduction to Aurora’s 2030 goals and values of inclusion and diversity. Then, Vice-Rector Rucinska then outlined UPJS’s approach to diversity, highlighting achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement.
An expert panel discussion titled “Diversity and Inclusion at Aurora Universities – Trend or Transformation?” followed. Leadership from three Aurora universities, including Ludmila Elbert (UPJS), Zelmira Macejova (UPJS), Jozef Benka (UPJS), Pavlina Flajsarova (UPOL), and Puneet Bindlish (VU Amsterdam), shared insights on creating inclusive learning environments and discussed challenges and progress at their institutions.
In the afternoon, two interactive workshops were held. The student session, “Student Peer Learning on Diversity and Intercultural Competencies,” led by Mathilde Chaumont (UPEC) and Simona Gibalova (UPJS), focused on enhancing intercultural competencies and building a more diverse learning environment. The faculty workshop, “Educational Practices and Mixed Classroom Approach,” moderated by Pavlina Flajsarova (UPOL) and Ingrid Madárová (UPJS), explored strategies for inclusive teaching.

The day concluded with a wrap-up session and follow-up plans to strengthen diversity and inclusion efforts at Aurora universities. Based on the outcomes of the fruitful discussions, Selma Porobic pointed out four steps to create more inclusive learning environments:
- Develop inclusive policies and decision-making processes.
- Offer education and training on inclusive curricula and teaching methods.
- Build inclusive campus cultures through events and student activities.
- Ensure resources, such as spaces and technology, support inclusion.
Therefore, the event emphasized the importance of sustained focus on diversity and inclusion, with further CDP events planned for 2025.
For more information, including the program and speakers, visit: