Adsorption Technology

Adsorbers are used in a lot of technical products and processes of all scales;
from small applications like odour control filters in car cabins to massive
plants for water treatment or air separation. All of these processes are based
on the separation capacity of microporous solids like activated carbon or silica
gel. The lecture covers the whole bandwith of adsorption processes in gas
and liquid phase with a focus on industrial applications. In addition to the
lecture exercises and practical trainings on laboratory plants are offered.
Ideetail the following topics will be adressed:
– Basics of Adsorption and Desorption
– Mathematical Description and Simulation
– Adsorption Equilibria
– Adsorption Kinetics
– Technical Adsorbents
– Technical Desorption Processes
– Industrial Gas Phase-Adsorptions-Processes
– Industrial Liquid-Phase-Adsorptions-Processes