From limited growth to Peak Everything? Sustainable development on trial

The course is interdisciplinary and touches on many scientific fields: Agronomy, demography, history, geology, economics, political science and climatology. Specifically, the following content is planned:
– The Neolithic Revolution as the first energy revolution in history
– The Industrial Revolution (preconditions, effects)
– The limits to growth and the discussions of the 1970s
– The Brundtland Report and the concept of sustainability
– The Rio process and the Kyoto Protocol
– Sustainability and climate protection in implementation. The rocky road to the Paris climate protection agreement
– Measuring the consumption of nature: ecological footprint and co.
– Marion King Hubbert and peak oil
– Depletable energy sources: peak coal, peak gas, peak uranium
– Agriculture under pressure: peak soil, peak water and peak phosphorus
– Opportunities and limits of renewable energies
– The transportation of tomorrow – which technology will prevail?
– Circular economy – more than just recycling
– Sufficiency and cultural change
– A way out of the post-growth economy?