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Student Mental Health,
and Social Agency

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing has supported students’ mental health, wellbeing and social agency. The task team developed specific activities to support students in distress, and to develop students’ resilience, self-management and agency. It has paid special attention to the beneficial impact of skills development to mental health and will have specific measures in place to make our internationalisation efforts inclusive.

Alignment with WP3 Learning for Societal impact and Aurora’s mission:

Please explain here the alignment of your group with WP3 Learning for Societal Impact’s objectives that fosters the development of skills and mindsets necessary to address societal challenges. Please provide a comprehensive description.

The second component of WP3 is Aurora Social Transformation (WP3.2) that aimed to improve the successful graduation of a diverse and cognitively intact student population that is a true reflection of the human potential in the population that we serve.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

has the following services imbedded into the student portal and can be accessed after sign in: 

  • Special Education Support (SPS)
    • SPS Guidance Counselor
    • SPS during exams
    • Dyslexia
    • Physical disability
    • Psychological disability
    • Disability Policy
    • Exemptions
  • Student Coaching
  • Campus Pastors
  • Student Counseling Services
  • International Student Services
  • Harassment
  • Career Services

Eminent Showcase (e.g. but not limited to courses and joint programmes) and Resources (e.g. tools, policy documents, presentations):

  1. Having conducted a survey of various counseling services at Aurora universities, the task team created a list of the available services across Aurora.
  2. The task team has developed a Student Wellbeing page on the phone app Ryze.
  3. At two general meetings every year and on average 10 annual working group meetings, at least 250-300 university leaders, students, academics and administrators have been meeting regularly to learn from and with each other how to become better in understanding students’ issues including mental health. For example in November 2023, the Student Council organized a World Café event on mental health. Students, professors and staff members gathered to identify which mental health support efforts were successful, which support mechanism is needed, and how Aurora can improve. At the end of the World Café, the Student Council gathered and compiled the results and will use this input to continue our work in the area of increased mental health support within Aurora universities. Likewise, student mental health took the centre stage during the 2023 student conference at Palacky University Olomouc.