Aurora Research Conference: Digital Society and Global Citizenship

Pilot domain:
Digital Society & Global Citizenship
Target group:
Student, Academic
Task team name:
T 3.4.2 Pilot domain “Digital Society and Global Citizenship”

The first Aurora Research Conference took place on 26-27 August, organized by the task team Digital Society and Global Citizenship. This was an interdisciplinary conference in which researchers in the field of the Digital Society presented their work. This included research in the areas of Computer Science, Social Sciences, Information Sciences, Business Informatics, Law, Anthropology, Psychology, History, Artificial Intelligence, Science and Technology Studies, Ethics, Human Rights. The aim of this Aurora Research Conference is to collaboratively set the outlines for the design of a truly interdisciplinary European 2-year master curriculum on the topic of “Digital Society and Global Citizenship”, jointly offered by Aurora Universities.

The YouTube playlist is a collection of 24 online research talks from researchers from seven different Aurora Alliance universities.