Capacity Development Support (CDS): Resource Bank
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Palacký University Olomouc
On October 5-6th, the second Aurora CDS Hybrid Training event, the associate partner universities and representatives of the broader CDS Network have gained a deeper insight and discussed collaboration on two Aurora outputs deemed to be of high relevance by the involved universities in Central-Eastern Europe and Neighbouring Countries: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and (Community) Service Learning. The event shared multiple presentations on:
- SERVICE LEARNING IN PRACTICE: EXPERIENCES FROM PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY: This document presents the topic of Service-Learning (SL) as an applied strategy embedded within a whole study programme. SL projects are matched together with learning objectives and learning outcomes. SL courses are planned throughout the year; each semester, a different stage of the project management cycle is presented and taught (Semester 1: Project Management; Semester 2: Personal Management; Semester 3: Research / Research Methods; Semester 4: Evaluation).
- Learning & Engaging communities for Societal Impact: In this Capacity Development Support (CDS) programme session, the presenters share several frameworks and tools that are being developed to support universities in achieving these development goals.
- Global Community Service Learning Lab ICT4D in the Field – 2021: The ICT4D in the Field is a master-level global Community Service Learning course focusing on “Community Service, Innovation, and SDGs”. One of the course objectives is to make the next generation of information and computing scientists aware of the potential role of ICTs in the developing and emerging world, however (in contrast to a one-size-fits-all-approach) with a strong appreciation for the highly diverse and complex contexts, social-cultural factors and human needs that must be addressed.
- Collaborative Online International Learning COIL: is a teaching and learning paradigm based on experiential, collaborative learning. It has a network-based learning approach and aims to develop intercultural competence.
- Introduction Session Service Learning & Aurora SL AURORA: WP 3.1.3 aims to support staff and students across AURORA Universities in SL and equip them with the knowledge, skills and mindset to tackle societal challenges as social innovators.
- Training & Inspiration Session Community Service Learning: VU Amsterdam wants to offer its students the opportunity to develop more broadly, from an academic, personal and social perspective: to equip students to be successful and play a meaningful part in this world.
Click the buttons to access the presentations.