RMA Networks
Research Manager & Administrator

As Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs), we participate in several national and international RMA networks in various capacities. Here you can read about our RMA networks and the roles Aurora RMAs play in each of these.

European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) provides a networking forum, a learning platform, and a place to share experiences and best practice among RMAs throughout EARMA and in the wider RMA community. VU Amsterdam, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, University of Iceland, Copenhagen Business School, University Palacky Olomouc are members of EARMA.
Fleur Verbiest and Sandy Broere-Lee of VU Amsterdam are active participants in the Impact Special Interest Group. They participated in the kick-off meeting in Brussels. Their subgroup developed the impact survey that aims to find out what kind of impact-related knowledge, competencies, training and workshops are already provided to your researchers, and what your needs are in terms of societal impact support and development at your organization. Hana Owsianková (UPOL) is also part of the EARMA Impact Special Interest Group. She is particularly involved in the sub-group dedicated to Policies focused on the reflection of current trends in top-down and bottom-up approaches in policy-making and decision-making concerning European R&D&I. UPOL’s ambition is to gradually integrate members of the team into the Specific interest groups.
Stine Skipper (CBS) is Member of Annual Conference Planning Committee at EARMA and has given various presentations at annual EARMA conferences.

The Association for Research Managers and Administrators in the Netherlands (ARMA-NL) aims to enhance excellent research and innovation in the Netherlands by supporting RMAs. It offers an expertise network and knowledge exchange platform, stimulates professional development, and provides a vibrant and accessible association that represents its community. Sedef Iskit (VU Amsterdam) is involved in three standing committees at ARMA-NL: Professional Development for Grant Advisors, Meetings, and Roadmap. Professional Development for Grant Advisors Standing Committee organizes and develops trainings, workshop sessions and knowledge transfer, possibly in cooperation with third parties. Meetings Standing Committee coordinates meetings and conferences with interesting themes and topics. ARMA-NL hosts monthly Monday meetings with an invited speaker, as well as annual conferences. Roadmap Standing Committee explores the possibility of co-designing a Dutch RMA Roadmap with relevant stakeholders in the research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem in the Netherlands. This roadmap aims to address the system pressure faced by the R&I system, contribute to solving the current system pressure issue and provide infrastructure and capacity for the further development, professionalization, and recognition of the RM community.

ASTP is an international knowledge transfer community that offers members access to a dynamic professional community and the opportunity to work with Europe’s innovation stakeholders. Next to the 5 business developers of the VU IXA-GO team, Sedef Iskit and Karin Rade are also ASTP members and benefit from ASTP events focused on improving the quality of impact that public research has on the economy and society.

Czech Association of Research Managers and Administrators (CZARMA) connects RMAs in science, research & development and helps build a good reputation for the RMA profession. All members of the UPOL grant offices are members of CZARMA. The head of the Grant Office, Petra Vaculíková, is a member of the Board of the association. The grant office team is actively involved in several CZARMA Working Groups, such as Projects, Mobilities, Research Policies, Research Infrastructures, Professional Development, and Research Assessment. Jakub Zeman is also a member of the national MSCA Expert Advisory Group headed by the Czech MSCA NCP.

Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE) is a non-profit association that groups a total of 76 Spanish universities: 50 public and 26 private. CRUE is the main interlocutor of Spanish universities with the central government in all normative developments affecting higher education in Spain and promotes a variety of initiatives to foster relations with other institutions and agents, both national and international. CRUE has five working groups: Scientific Dissemination and Culture (Red Divulga); Network of Research Results Transfer Offices (Red OTRI); Network of Research Management Units (UGI Network); Network of European Offices (OE Network); Network of Spanish University Libraries (REBIUN).

Danish Association of Research Managers and Administrators (DARMA) aims to support Danish research through the professionalisation of research management and administration (RMA). DARMA has been active in establishing RMA as a recognised profession in Denmark and works continuously on developing the profession because excellent science requires excellent research management and administration. Stine Skippe (CBS) is Board Member and Private Foundations Special Interest Group, whereas Jane Finnerup-Johnsen is the coordinator for Staff Management Special Interest Group.

The International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) brings together research management societies and associations from across the globe. Its purpose is to enable interactions, share good practice, and coordinate activities between the member societies. University of Iceland participates in the working group of INORMS and within the general council.

BAK – Federal Working Group (Bundesarbeitskreis) of EU Funding Advisors at German Universities and Colleges is a network of EU funding advisors at German universities and colleges which aims at improving consultation structures within universities and colleges and professionalising the work of EU grant advisors.