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VUture Proof Education: Where do online and campus meet?

Aurora member university, the vrije universiteit Amsterdam, organizes the VU Education Day in February 18th 2021. This year’s education day is themed: Blended, Hybrid and online learning.

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Aurora member university, the vrije universiteit Amsterdam, organizes the VU Education Day in February 18th 2021. This year’s education day is themed: Blended, Hybrid and online learning. What do we take with us into the future?

The VU Education Day is the place to share inspiring ideas about projects and practical examples from education, and to look forward to the (near) future of education. Participants of the Education Day can choose from a range of different workshops. Workshops will focus on VU’s vision on blended and hybrid learning, on the effect of online education on students and teaching staff, and on the practical side and do’s and don’ts of hybrid teaching.

Would you like to share inspiring ideas, projects and practical examples from education with colleagues and look ahead to the (near) future of education? Then VU Education Day 2021 is the perfect moment for this. Aurora member universities can easily participate in this engaging online event. After opening words by Rector Magnificus Vinod Subramaniam, the program follows with a keynote by Keynote speaker, , University of Leeds (UK), is an expert in the field of blended, hybrid and online learning; and workshops by several professionals in the education field.