Teaching in an International Classroom
This series of two one-day online workshops are designed for academics to enhance their intercultural skills and broaden the scope of pedagogical competencies of teaching diverse classrooms.
Target group:
Pilot domain:
Culture: Identity & Diversity

This series of two one-day online workshops are designed for academics to enhance their intercultural skills and broaden the scope of pedagogical competencies of teaching internationally diverse classrooms.
Outcomes and Highlights:
- Increased understanding of how culture influences our teaching and learning;
- Pedagogies respecting different learning styles, needs, and supporting student engagement;
- Creating inclusive classrooms for all, both international and domestic students;
- Enhancement of academics’ intercultural skills;
- Designing international courses with global learning objectives and well-built syllabi.
Cost: 5,500 CZK (210,- Euro)
- 1st-day session: the 23rd of April 9:00–12:15, 13:00–16:15
- 2nd-day session: the 11th of June 9:00–12:15, 13:00–16:15
For detailed information, see: https://iei.upol.cz/trainings/
For registration email: eva.janebova@upol.cz (official registration is closed)