BIP on Internationalisation at Home and Internationalisation of the Curriculum

Are you involved in International relations, International leadership, Internationalisation processes and strategy, Internationalisation at Home, Aurora Alliance, Blended Intensive Programmes (development – execution – management) in your Aurora member university? Then this might just be the opportunity for you.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili invites an academically and administratively diverse group of individuals to join the Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) from April 24th-28th, 2023. This hands-on experience will be made even more dynamic through a supplemental virtual component fostering interactive learning and collaboration among participants. Academics and staff members from Aurora member universities are invited to attend in person using Erasmus+ STA KA131 funds. External (non) academic staff members may also participate if an agreement has been reached utilizing organizational funding for BIP participation purposes – either way, don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!
Blended intensive programmes (BIP) are short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning, teaching and training for students and staff, including the use of online cooperation. During a BIP, groups of students or staff will undertake short-term mobility abroad combined with a compulsory virtual component, facilitating collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork. The duration of the mobility is between 5 and 30 days, but there is no limitation on the duration of the virtual component.
Registration details
- 01/16/2023 Registration opens
- 02/28/2023 Registration closes
- 03/03/2023 List accepted participants and a waiting list
- 03/30/2023 Preparatory synchronous meeting online
- 04/13/2023 Follow-up synchronous meeting online
- 04/24/2023 Starting date
- Download the programme here
- Apply here
Registrations will be confirmed by an acceptance letter once the application period finishes. This formal invitation will also include information about how to apply for the Erasmus+ mobility stay at the URV. For more information and signup, visit the URV website or contact
We look forward to your registrations and to a very fruitful BIP!