BIP – International Week of Cooperation: Vulnerable People

BIP connecting health & social sciences, looking different research methodologies and the care of vulnerable people from the perspective of health care, social work and volunteering.

Target group:
For academics, For staff, For students
Pilot domain:
Event, Call

The Faculty of Health Sciences and The Faculty of Arts of Palacký University Olomouc are co-organizing a short-term intensive programme (BIP) within the Erasmus+ programme.  The event interconnects health and social sciences in an interesting way. It focuses not only on different research methodologies, which may differ across different disciplines, but especially brings insights into the care of vulnerable people from the perspective of health care, social work and volunteering.

The physical part of the BIP will be at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic between 14th October to 18th October 2024. The virtual component will complement the physical event, primarily occurring during our time together in October to ensure seamless integration and to address any technical concerns.

The sessions will be conducted partly in English and partly in Czech and Slovak, but to overcome the language barrier, the sessions will be simultaneously interpreted by our students of Translation Studies.

This International Week will offer an attractive programme of educational and social activities. It will include a conference of the Doctoral Programme in Nursing, where students will present designs and partial results of their dissertation research. Together with international mentors from Northumbria University, UK, you will be able to discuss nursing topics with an interdisciplinary overlap and gain new insights into mixed-methodology research and on the topic of drawing up questionnaires for participants in the research.

The social work part of the programme will focus of the homeless. There is a planned excursion to charity home, which has a unique complex system of social services for the homeless people, including a GP surgery and psychiatrist´s office. Included in the programme is a participation of an expert on “housing first” strategy and workshops focusing on social work and health care provided to the homeless, as well as a service for the homeless who are currently unable to manage their addiction, with the aim to provide them with the minimum decent living environment.

We offer participation to students, academics and other staff of your institution who would personally attend the programme in Olomouc. The BIP will be offered to all Aurora partners free of charge. The sending university is responsible for covering their participants’ travel and accomodation, using Erasmus+ funds. As a BIP, all participants will require a formal Erasmus Mobility agreement issued by the sending instiution and will have to be registered in the Beneficiary Module of Erasmus+. Even participants who will not have their stay and accomodation covered by their home university need to be registered in the Beneficiary Module, opting for “zero grant”.

Registration deadline, Friday, September 27th, 2024. For registration and information email