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European Universities Forum at Palacký University Olomouc

30 November 2022
Event date:
1 December 2022
Event location:
Olomouc, Czechia

On the 1st and 2nd of December, Palacký University Olomouc organises the European Universities Forum. This high-level event, organised in the light of the Czech EU presidency, will provide an opportunity to discuss and assess the role of European Universities Initiative pilot phase in the Czech higher education context and within the European aims of building the Higher Education Area.

This event will be an incubator for new ideas on the mobilisation of universities, in the broadest sense, to promote shared European values and a strengthened identity and also to improve the quality, attractiveness and international competitiveness of Europe’s higher education establishments.

This forum will be opened by the Czech Deputy-Minister for Education and brings together the participating universities from various Member States, the European Commission and, of course, all of the relevant stakeholders, particularly the alliances of European universities.

The two-day programme features:

  • Two high-level panel sessions addressing the priorities of the European Universities’ ambitions
  • Three “Alliance workshops” intended as spaces for exchanging best practices between Czech alliances and their top management focusing on research and education developments, offering initial feedback on their pilot phase to contribute to developing the next steps
  • A closing session, reporting on the panels and thematic sessions to contribute to Czech national and European level on the Future of European universities in Higher Education.

For more information on the event, take a look at For more information on the schedule, take a look here.