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Service Learning and Co-Creation (SLC): Sample Student Projects

Pilot domain:
Digital Society & Global Citizenship
Target group:
Task team name:
T 3.4.2 Pilot domain “Digital Society and Global Citizenship”

The closure of the Global Community Service Learning course “ICT4D in the Field” was an official ceremony in which six student groups presented their projects on 2021’s theme: “AI in and for the Global South”.

Students from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University for Development Studies (UDS) Ghana, University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Spain worked together in this course. The field of ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) generally addresses problems of, and solutions for, the “unconnected people in the world”. Currently, this is close to half of the world’s population, the majority of whom live in poor, remote, often rural, regions of the world, often in so-called developing low/middle-income countries. The central theme of the 2021 edition of the ICT4D in the Field course is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in and for the Global South. Accordingly, the course ICT4D in the Field undertakes to investigate these matters in and for the Global South, thereby giving due attention to the specific contexts of people’s needs as well as the different geographic, economic, cultural and socio-political contexts.

The course is available as an Open Educational Resource (OER). To access the resources, registration is required.