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Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory

Universita di Napoli Federico II
Type: infrastructure
Science area: 1. Natural Sciences2. Engineering and Technology6. Humanities

Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) at DiSTAR is equipped with a SEM Jeol JSM5310 and a FESEM ZEISS Merlin VP. They both allow the investigation of the microstructure and morphology of raw inorganic and suitably prepared organic materials, through the acquisition of high resolution magnified digital images.
SEM Jeol JSM5310, in the lab since 1998, provides both 3D images through a secondary electron detector (SE) and topographic and compositional images through a backscattered electron detector (BSE). It is also equipped with an EDS X-Stream Inca Oxford detector that supplies qualitative evaluation of chemical elements starting from fluorine. A well performing reference standardization allows single point analyses of polished samples (resin embedded or thin sections).
The FESEM ZEISS Merlin VP SEM, available in the lab since 2017, works both in high vacuum and in variable pressure and reaches 1 million magnification. The very large vacuum chamber of Gemini 2 apparatus hosts samples up to 15 cm diameter. This SEM is equipped with an “”inlens”” detector of both secondary and backscattered electrons, a normal secondary electron detector and a variable pressure secondary electron detector. It is linked to an EDS Oxford X-Max detector and to a WDS Wave Oxford spectrometer equipped with 4 analytical crystals. The combined use of EDS and WDS analytical facilities allows the quantitative analysis of chemical elements starting from Boron. A dedicated software provides us with compositional maps for the automated evaluation of the mineralogical composition in an unknown sample. The FESEM facility allows non-destructive and non-invasive analyses of large samples, which makes this apparatus the most powerful tool for SEM investigation in cultural heritage and forensic geology fields. The laboratory is officially accredited for SEM analysis of asbestos, on both massive samples and airborne fibers.

Research Platform Advanced Materials

Universität Innsbruck
Type: expertise
Science area: 1. Natural Sciences2. Engineering and Technology

Research groups from four faculties (Pharmacy and Chemistry; Mathematics, Informatics and Physics; Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences; Technical Sciences) cooperate within this research focus in order to fully exploit the synergies between physics, chemistry, earth sciences, pharmaceutical technology, and civil engineering. Synergies and strength areas are found in the fields of clusters, polymorphism/phase transitions, catalysis-reactivity, high-pressure research and materials engineering. A particular strength of the research focus lies in high-pressure, high-temperature synthesis and characterization of materials, which results e.g. in hitherto inaccessible coordination geometries in solid state compounds. Thereby, fabrication of novel materials with tailored optical, electronic and mechanical properties becomes possible. Furthermore, elaborate technologies allow us to mimic conditions which are found deep in the earth mantle, thus permitting unprecedented insights into geomechanical and geochemical processes. Strong activities are focused on clusters in the gas phase and on surfaces. Basic questions ranging from the “magic” stability of clusters to the electronic structure and the possibility of tailor-making catalyst for chemical reactions are explored. Another important focus of the platform is the study of phase diagrams, phase transitions and of metastable materials, both in the bulk and in low-dimensional materials are investigated, including ferrolectric or superconductive materials. New concepts of phase transitions in amorphous systems, particularly water and ice, have resulted in the discovery of new phases and in new concepts such as cryocatalysis. The expertise in phase transitions, polymorphism and watersolid interactions is finally being exploited to obtain better control of drug formulation and performance.

Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics and Society

Universität Innsbruck
Type: expertise
Science area: 1. Natural Sciences5. Social Sciences6. Humanities

EPoS „Economy, Politics & Society“ is an interdisciplinary research area in which economic, organizational, political and social structures, contexts and developments are studied. The scientific diversity of this interdisciplinary research focus facilitates mutual information about new findings across disciplinary and organizational boundaries and inspires the development of new research ideas and collaborations. The disciplines represented in the research area EPoS from the fields of business administration, educational science, media science, work and organizational psychology, philosophy, political science, sociology, statistics and economics deal with the following theoretical, methodological and content-related focal points based on a broad spectrum of competences: We research frameworks, structures and processes, behavior and decisions and their consequences for institutions, markets, companies, organizations, groups, communities and individuals in different cultural, digital and temporal-spatial contexts; We develop new methodological procedures for data collection and data analysis and work with theory-based empirical and experimental approaches as well as mathematical formal modelling; We deal with questions of philosophy of science, reflexivity in the theory of science, scientific practices, relational theory and methodology. This way, we provide relevant information for decision-makers in politics, business and society on how to deal with current and future challenges. The researchers of EPoS “Economy, Politics & Society” strive for high quality research and relevance through interdisciplinary and international cooperation; all scientific questions are examined from multiple perspectives. High-ranking publications, the quality of the submissions of competitive research proposals as well as in the promotion of young researchers in the established doctoral programs reflect our efforts.

Research Area Physics

Universität Innsbruck
Type: expertise
Science area: 1. Natural Sciences

Physics provides the foundation for our understanding of nature and the development of new technologies. New insights and important discoveries in physics strongly influence our daily life, as shown for example by the discovery of electricity and X-rays or the development of the transistor, the laser and magnetic resonance tomography. Also in the future we can expect many new achievements, ranging from new insights into nature to fascinating new technologies based on quantum mechanics. Within the international community the Innsbruck physics research center connects top-level research among a broad range of physical topics with outstanding education facilities and combines three research centers three basic research fields: the Center of Astronomy and Particle Physics (Speaker: Norbert Przybilla), the Center of Ion- and Plasma Physics/Applied Physics (Speaker: Paul Scheier), and the Center of Quantum physics (Speaker: Francesca Ferlaino). The recently granted doctoral college „Atome, Licht und Moleküle“ from the Austrian Science Fund FWF serves as a training center for highly qualified and motivated academic talents from the national and international scientific community. This further intensifies the cooperation among scientists similar to the Special Research Programs FoQuS (SFB F40), which connects theoretical and experimental research groups from Innsbruck and Vienna under the common goal to improve the understanding of the basic building blocks and the applications of quantum physics. Additionally the technological capabilities have been improved recently by jointly used state-of-the-art facilities. The physics research in Innsbruck has an excellent international reputation, which also shows up in many awards for scientific members, for example two Wittgenstein awards and many ERC- and START-Grants. The Physics Research Center has many intense collaborations with leading research centers worldwide and forms an international environment for scientists from all over the world. Students benefit from the large diversity of excellent education and advanced training. The gained research experience in this environment offers excellent career opportunities for young physicists, not only in the scientific field but also in many other areas.

Center of Medical Biotechnology

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Type: expertise
Science area: 1. Natural Sciences3. Medical and Health Sciences

The Center of Medical Biotechnology (ZMB) is an interdisciplinary scientific center of the University of Duisburg-Essen and provides the framework for research in the field of biomedical science. The ZMB integrates basic scientific research on the UDE campus with application-oriented medical research at the University Hospital Essen. The mission of the ZMB is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of disease and to turn this knowledge into medical progress. To this end, the ZMB is active in key areas of basic biomedical research, and the translation of scientific knowledge into novel drugs and diagnostic tools. Accordingly, approx. 80 workgroups of the ZMB combine basic and applied biomedical sciences. The interdisciplinary research approach is also reflected in joint research and collaborative projects between the three participating faculties, which focus on three research areas: i) oncology, ii) immunology, infectious diseases and transplantation and iii) molecular and chemical cell biology. A dynamic, stimulating and collaborative research environment includes state of the art facilities and more than 600 highly educated personnel. Our interdisciplinary research crosses traditional boundaries and involves joint projects with the biotechnical and pharmaceutical industry, nanotechnology, physics and engineering. ZMB members actively participate in our educational and research-oriented Bachelor- and Master Schemes in Medical Biology and Molecular Biology that prepare for a scientific career in the biomedical field. Doctoral students benefit from established measures for the promotion of young scientists, such as structured (inter)national doctoral programs initiated under the auspices or with the participation of ZMB members.

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